♥Childhood friend♥

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Reiner excitedly walked to the front gates of the school,  because  today was the day his best friend from his hometown was coming to transfer. A black car pulled up at the entrance, A tall and tan skinned man came out the car and signalled his driver to leave.

Reiner then walks up to his best friend embracing him.
Hey bert!!  It's  been so long i see you've  gotten taller like real tall!  Ya know you should join our basketball team! I know you were part of Marley's team before so you should  join ours!

The dark haired man chuckled at his friend's  antics,  Sure Reiner..  But first I need to find someone.

Is it annie...?  Reiner asked he was long aware of his friend's longtime crush on the blonde girl eversince annie became a part of their delinquent group back at marley, Bertholdt's  eyes has always been on her.

Yeah...I can't  wait to see her again. Annie never replied to any of my messages or calls... The only way I was able to know how she is..is through  her father Mr. Leonhardt.  Mr.  Leonhardt and I became close and he even said that I'd  be a good boyfriend  to annie. Bertholdt lightly  blushed at the thought.

Geez... It's  been years!  And you're  still not over her? Damn.. You got it bad. Anyway... Let's  go! I'll  show you around  campus. Reiner offered.

Sure..i hope we get to see annie.  Bertholdt replies.

Yeah... Sure. reiner looked away, him and annie have always had a strained  relationship mostly because he was a jerk to her... The reason  was he couldn't stand her because  she was the reason Bertholdt had cried daily whenever  she didn't notice his advancements or refuse his gifts.
Reiner  thought that annie didn't  deserve  someone  like Bertholdt.

Reiner and Bertholdt roamed the school and now were headed to the library, so this is the school library reiner tells Bertholdt as they look around the place.

R-Reiner...... Is that a-annie..?  Bertholdt points to a table where two blondes were sitting. Annie and  Armin were sharing an earphone just like  they did  on the bus and were reading together in silence annie however was noticeably taking a glance at the boy beside her smiling a bit.

Reiner felt his blood boil seeing and hearing  the heartbreak at his friend's voice at the sight of annie lovingly looking  at someone  else.  Don't  worry bert I've  got it covered.  Reiner  then walks up to the two ignoring  Bertholdt's protests.

He then slams their table and grabs armin by the collar,  You little  nerd!  How dare you hangout  with someone  out of your league!?! Reiner furiously  yelled at the struggling armin.

Annie was Mad very mad, how dare that walking  meat sack hurt her boyfriend?! She gritted her teeth And grabbed Reiner's shoulder. Let him go asshole. Annie gave him a death glare.  Reiner snarled at her.  I didn't know you were into hanging out with  little boys annie,  i thought you had taste  in choosing friends but it's  clear that you don't.

Annie kicked reiner at the knees making him fall,  I do have taste  in friends reiner. That's  why you aren't  my friend.  Annie told him in a mocking  tone.

Armin then stepped up and looked at reiner.  Reiner.... I don't  know what your problem is... But i want to clarify something... I'm  not Annie's  friend I'm  her boyfriend reiner..get that right.  Armin seriously said and held Annie's  hand.

WHAT?!!!  Reiner and a voice behind them yelled. 

The two turned around  to see Bertholdt who was shocked  at their revelation earlier.

Y-you're dating h-him...?  Bertholdt shakily asked.

Yeah.  Annie nonchalantly replied to him. 

The librian then interrupted them.

What the heck is going on here?!  Why are you students  fighting in a library? If you don't  want me to send all of you to detention  i suggest all of you leave!  The librian angrily  said while picking up a few fallen books.

Reiner left at the other exit, Bertholdt was still frozen from what he found out.  He couldn't believe  it... Annie actually  found someone...?

Annie passed by him about to leave the library.

Armin followed behind  her.

But Bertholdt held his shoulder.  Annie immediately glared at Bertholdt whrn she noticed.

I just want to talk to him.  Bertholdt quietly spoke.

Armin felt like this guy didn't  mean any harm so he gave annie a reassuring look.

I'll  wait for you outside. Annie spoke eyeing Bertholdt in a cold way that seemed to say,  "hurt him and I'll kill you. "

So.. Umm i don't  think we've  met before?  Armin starts the conversation.

Yeah... I'm  Bertholdt hoover Annie's childhood friend from marley. He introduced himself.

Ah.. I see.  I'm  Armin Arlert.. Nice to meet you he offered a hand at the taller man.

Bertholdt shook it and held it firmly,  he whispered. You may have her now... But I'll  make sure to get her back.  I met her first. I confessed to her first.  She's  supposed  to belong to me.

Bertholdt's  kind face was now replaced with  a more menacing look.

Armin felt angry at his words, he usually  wouldn't  fight  but this guy was getting  to him.

Look Bertholdt. Annie isn't  a possession. She isn't  some thing that you can claim or own.  Nobody  owns Annie  but herself  unless she says so otherwise.

Now if you'll  excuse  me... I have to go see my girlfriend. Armin broke off the handshake  and left the library.

Leaving a frustrated  Bertholdt, no way is he going  to lose her again. This time she'll  see that im worth more than than puny nerd!  He gripped  his hair as he smirked evilly.

You've  always  been mine annie.  You promised. I'll  make sure that he leaves the way.

Armin Arlert prepare for war.

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