Battle Of The Singers Round 1 Part 1

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Kitty: We're back for some more TorD people

Dawn: Seriously what's with the new intro

Kitty: You hate the old one

Dawn: Fair point fair point

KItty: So let's do the first dare

Jamie: I dare for all of the contestants to do a singing competition with the hosts as judges

Kitty: Round 1 Kash VS Drew

Drew's Song

Kash: Crrrrrrringggggge

Kash's Song

(All the masked people are a bunch of people that Kitty teleported in)

Kitty: Kash wins so Kash moves on to round 2

Kitty: The next matchup is Ash VS, Gary

Ash's Song

Kitty: Yep that's my favourite song!!!

Gary: Of course you choose your own theme song

Ash: You mean our theme song


Security System: *Fires lasers at Ash*

Kitty: *Fires bazooka at Anti-Communism bot*

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Kitty: *Fires bazooka at Anti-Communism bot*

Kitty: This is absolute sh**


Kitty: Yea I lost my temper well Ash wins because his song is actually good and Gary your humming skills suck

Ash: Figures that you'd hum your own theme song I mean you think you're sooooo great

Kitty: Ash moves on to round 2

J: Well I just checked the bracket and Barry VS Paul is next

Kitty: Let's make this interesting whoever wins gets to date Dawn

Kitty: *Makes Amourtentia*

Paul's Song

Kitty: Well at least your song actually has words

Gary: Not fair

Barry: Well now it's my turn

Barry's Song

Judges: Barry wins because Paul's song is Sh**

Kitty: *Gives Dawn Amourtentia*

Dawn: *Drinks it*

Barry: *Starts making out with Dawn*

Bonnie: *Turns into Sans*

Kitty: *Restrains Bonnie/Sans with metal chains*

Kitty: Our next matchup is Serena VS Misty!!!

Misty's Song

KItty: Very nostalgic

Cohosts: *Crying out of nostalgia*

Serena's Song

Judges: AMOUR!!! AMOUR!!! AMOUR!!!

Kitty: It's kind of obvious but I guess I have to clarify it but Serena wins

Ash And Serena: *Kiss*

Kitty: Well you probably have to sing against each other in the next round

Ash And Serena:

Kitty: Next matchup is May vs Dawn

Dawn's Song

Kitty: Nice song

J: Yea it's decent

May's Song

Kitty: Battle of the singer more like battle of the Among Us songs

Judges: May wins

Kitty: Next round is Cillian VS Brock

Cillian's Song

Kitty: Mr. Fabulouse

Brock's Song

Judges: Cillian wins

Kitty: Well guys that's a wrap please comment truths and dares for next time byeeee

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