Meet The Dream SMP

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Kitty: Welcome back to TorD and today our first dare is from epicahhhhhhhhhgamer2 please give a warm welcome epicahhhhhhhhhgamer2

Contestants: *False clapping (This is becoming a meme for this book)*

epicahhhhhhhhhgamer2: I dare for you to listen to this epic music track not a rickroll I swear

Kitty: Even if it was nowadays I can recognize the rickroll link

epicahhhhhhhhhgamer2: Whaaaat

Kitty: Let's just watch the video


epicahhhhhhhhhgamer2: Are you a Godzilla fan

Kitty: I watched 2014 last weekend and I liked it so yeah I'm waiting for April 13 where it will be out on Canadian Netflix what about the contestants

Misty: It was ok


Korrina: it's a pretty epic song

Cillian: A blend of the best flavours

Kitty: Before we all die of confusion trying to understand what Cillian said next dare

J: I dare for all of you to meet the Dream SMP

Kitty: Didn't we do this dare twice at this point

J: But no chaos or else Dream is released from Prison and the egg takes over, (BTW Dream is in chains and the corrupted people are free) and to introduce and describe themselves in one sentence.

Kitty: Did you ever wonder that we're all just in a book

J: What are you doing

Kitty: Breaking the Fourth Wall but it'll be harder as Dave used GORILLA GLUE

J: *Teleports in Mechagodzilla suit*



Sapnap: I killed a bunch of pets and I started three wars

Georgenotfound: I was once vice president of El Rapids, a cabinet member of Manberg during the Jschlatt administration and former president of The Greater Dream SMP

BBH: I'm Sapnap's father Skeppy's friend who'll you meet next and the leader of the badlands

Skeppy: I was the first person to be corrupted by the egg

Kitty: And we met the rest in the past dare so DAAAVEEE FIX THE WALL and next dare

J: Kitty we don't have anymore dares

Kitty: Oh so guys that's a wrap please comment truths and dares for next time byeeeee

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