The Forth Wall Breaks

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Kitty: Welcome back to TorD

J: I'll go wake up Bonnie and Ash

Kitty: Also go wake up the rest of the cohosts

J: Sure

Cohosts Plus Ash And Bonnie: *Walk downstairs*

Kitty: You guys are the only ones that remember day 5 so you guys need to keep your mouthes shut about anything that had to do with ANTI-AMOURSHIPPING I will also be changing up the sleeping arrangements again

Ash: But Serena made out with Calem

Bonnie: She was dared to

Ash: Oh

Kitty: Everyone promise including you Dark Ash

Dark Ash: *Comes out of Ash's mouth*

Dark Ash: *Comes out of Ash's mouth*

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Kitty: So will all of you keep your mouthes shut about day 5

Everyone Except Kitty: Yes

Dark Ash: *Goes back into Ash*

Kitty: Good now it's time to wake up everyone else


Kitty: So everyone is now here so we can start the dares

PikaJamie: I dare for Ash to dump May for Serena

Everyone That Remembers Day 5 Except PikaJamie: *Facepalms*

Everyone That Doesn't Remember Day 5: Whaaaaaaaat

PikaJamie: Never mind

Kitty: Well uhhhh next dare

PikaJamie: Ok well I dare for Bonnie to turn into Sans whenever one of her Otps get ruined

Bonnie: Yay but wait what is Sans

PikaJamie: A really powerful skeleton from the Undertale universe

Bonnie: Yay

Kitty: Next dare

Jaden: I dare everyone to try and play an orchestral musical instrument

Kitty: Yea let's start a band ok let me give you guys instruments Ash you get a violin Misty you get a bass drum Brock you get maracas May you get a gong max you get the chimes Drew you get the castanets Dawn you get the flute Barry you get an oboe Iris you get a cello Cillan you get a bassoon Clemont you get Clarinet Bonnie you get french horn Serena you get a harp for obvious reasons PikaJamie you get the tuba E you get a xylophone J you get a French horn Jaden you told me yourself that you play the trombone so here's a trombone ACG you get cymbals and finally me and Litten will play the piano together

Kitty: Yea let's start a band ok let me give you guys instruments Ash you get a violin Misty you get a bass drum Brock you get maracas May you get a gong max you get the chimes Drew you get the castanets Dawn you get the flute Barry you get an obo...

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Kitty: Alright everybody let's play our song

Everyone: *Plays song*

Kitty: Ok now that we are finally done that we could do the next dare by TigerTori10

TigerTori10: Thank you for inviting me ok all of you have to react to these two YouTube videos

TigerTori10: So let's watch the first video

Everyone: *Watches video*

Dawn: Black is so funny

Ash: I know right

TigerTori10: So let's watch the second video

Everyone: *Watches video*

Everyone Except TigerTori10: That is so brutal

Kitty:  If this was legal then the world will be exactly like if Mr. Meaner won in Captain Underpants 12

Kitty: Well onto the next dare

J: I dare Dark Ash to kill June and Calem for trying to ruin Amourshipping

May: What did I do

Calem: Well I am proud that if I am dying at least it was for a good cause

Ash: *Sweating uncomfortably* 

Dark Ash: *Comes out of Ash with Ronan The Accuser's hammer

Dark Ash: I hear by declare you accused of trying to ruin Amourshipping

Dark ash: *Kills them both with hammer*

J: I am now satisfied

Serena: What did he mean by trying to ruin Amourshipping

Ash: *Sweating uncomfortably* 

Dark Ash: *Goes back inside Ash*

Kitty: Well that was the most gruesome dare we had so far Dave can you please take May's DNA to the reviving room and remove the body's

Dave: Aren't we going to revive Calem to

Kitty: No he always tries to ruin Amourshipping

Dave: *Does what Kitty told him to do*

Kitty: Ok next dare

Litten: Kitty I dare you to teleport you trainer here

Kitty: *Does dare*

Kash: Appears

Kash: Oh hey Kitty where am I

Kitty: In TorD

Kash: When did I die

Kitty: You are still alive

Kash: Then how am I in HELL

Everyone Except Kitty: *Bursts out in laughter*

Kitty: But this is TorD, not hell

Kash: But TorD is basically HELL

Everyone Except Kitty: *Bursts out in laughter again*

Kitty: That is not funny

Kash: Yes it is

Kitty: Fine onto the next dare

Litten: I dare Ash to make out with his backpack

Serena: *Cries*

PikaJamie Whispers To Kitty: Do you think we are being to brutal to Serena

Kitty Whispers To PikaJamie: Yea I think so

Ash: *Starts to make out with his backpack*

Serena: *Cries*


Author: *Walks in through the crack in the froth wall*

Author: That backpack will hear by be called Felisha

Kitty: Why Lord Author

Author: This is something that actually happened to me once there was this moron on the bus that was making out with his backpack and he called said backpack Felisha

Kitty: Ok

Author: *Walks back into his dimension through crack in fourth wall*

Kitty: Dave may you please fix the fourth wall

Dave: *Fixes fourth wall*

Kitty: Well thats a wrap folks please comment more truths and dares for next episode

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