Battle Of The Singers Round 1 Part 2

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Dawn: So why did you end the last episode and where's the intro

Kitty: This is a direct continuation of episode 17 and if you listen to all the songs are 40 minutes together that's why I ended it

Dawn: Ok

Kitty: The first matchup is Bonnie VS Clemont

They Did A Rap Battle

Judges: Clemont had a better point

Kitty: Bonnie you lose

Bonnie: Noooooooooooo

Kitty: Next matchup is Miette VS Iris

Iris's Song

Kitty: I hate this movie so much

Iris: Why

Kitty: *Start ranting*

Kitty: That's why I think Tarzan is complete SH**

Miette's Song

Kitty: While I hate Tarzan I hate you Miette even more so you lose

Miette: But the other judges

Kitty: I think they sided with me

Judges: AMOUR!!! AMOUR!!! AMOUR!!!

Kitty: Ou last matchup is Korrina VS Drew

Korrina's Song

Kitty: Makes sense

Judges: Ok

Drew's Song

Kitty: I like that beat but Korrina wins

Drew: Whaaaaaaaat!!!

Kitty: Just kidding you win

Drew: Yesssss

Kitty: Or do you?

Drew: Noooo

Kitty: You win

Drew: Yesssssss

Kitty: Next dare

J: I dare Darkrai from movie 10 to mega evolve, with Alice mega evolving him and the Shadow Synergy Stone as his Mega Stone.

Alice: *Bursts in with Darkrai*

Alice: Darkrai MEGA EVOLVE!!!

Mega Darkrai it may be in my Amour fanfic

Mega Darkrai it may be in my Amour fanfic

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Kitty: Cool

Alice: Shouldn't you be amazed this is the first recorded account of a Mega Darkrai

Kitty: Just a few days ago I saw a Mega Roserade and this is mythical so it makes sense

Alice: Oh

Kitty: Well I have a dare and it's for the boys to treat their girlfriends like queens

Girls: YESSSSS!!!


Kitty Whispers To Boys: Ash, Max, Clemont, you three can put your girlfriends through a GUILLOTINE and Cillian you can SHOOT IRIS BECAUSE YOU'RE AMERICAN

Boys That Aren't From Japan: YESSSSSS

Kitty: Dare begin!!!

Boys From Japan: *Worshipping girlfriends*

Ash: *Puts Serena through guillotine*


Clemont: *Puts Korrina through guillotine*


Max: *Puts Bonnie through Guillotine*


Max: If you're Bonnie's brother then you're a prince

Ash: *Puts Clemont through Guillotine*


Cillian: AMERICA!!!

Cillian: *Shooting Iris*

Iris: *Dies*


Kitty: This dare is getting out of hand so please comment some truths and dares for next time and Dave revive the girls and BYEEEE

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