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Toni Braxton

I woke up in Nafessa's arms, feeling light and happy... something I never thought I'd get to feel again. My doorbell was ringing and my face furrowed before I looked at my alarm clock.

9:30 am.

Shit. Janet.

Prying myself from Fessa's arms, she woke up and groggily asked. "You okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine. Go back to sleep. Janet's here."

Her eyes opened enough for me to see her roll them. "Mm. Have fun with that."

"Stop being mean." I leaned over and pecked her lips before grabbing my phone. Going to my doorbell app, I hit the speak button and talked. "Hey J, here I come. Give me a second."

Throwing my robe on, she nodded patiently and it almost caused me to pause. I was about to have a civil conversation with the woman who'd made my high school years hell. I wondered if she still resented me because of Kenny. Hell... I wondered a lot. Grabbing a brush, I combed my hair down and in place.

Rushing down stairs, I went to my front door and took a deep breath before opening the door. I smiled softly. "Hi. Come in. Have a seat. I'll be right back."

She chuckled softly as she followed me in. I pointed towards the couch and raced back up the steps. Nafessa was laying in bed on her phone and when I rushed in she sat up. "That was quick."

"I'm naked under this robe Fes." I mumbled as I grabbed some tights, a bra and a shirt. "I'm not about to talk to that woman butt naked."

"You had on a robe." I sent her a look of irritation before taking the robe off and putting the tights on. I put my bra on and tossed my shirt over it. She continued. "Then you didn't put on any underwear? Ouu scandalous."

"Fessa, shut up." Laughing softly, I turned and looked at her. "How do I look?"

"What vibe are we going for here?"

"No vibe. Just overall."

"Well in that case you look beautiful as always." She smiled at me and I returned it.

"I would kiss you again but first I need to brush my teeth." I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, throwing water on my face until I could do my face routine. When I finished, I came out of the restroom and grabbed my phone. Nafessa watched me flock around with a goofy look on her face.

"You should see yourself right now T."

"Hush." I mumbled as I walked over and kissed her. "I'll be back."

"Take your time but close the door." She called back as I walked out of my bedroom and closed the door behind me. Walking down the stairs, I walked back into my living room and saw Janet looking at the photos on my fireplace mantel.

She saw me come down and picked up a photo. "Is this your daughter?"

I nodded. "Yes, that's my princess."

"Wow. She's beautiful. How old is she?"

"Thank you. She's seven."

Janet smiled down at the photo before sitting it back down. "Wow... you have a daughter." She glanced down at her feet before mumbling. "Where has time gone?"

Shrugging, I shook my head. "I honestly don't know." Walking to my kitchen, I asked. "I overslept, so nothings ready but you wanted coffee right?"

"Oh no. It's okay. We can just talk."

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