He's so done

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* Harrys pov *

I didn't know Niall had a girlfriend but I was excited to meet her. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Louis letting out a breath of relief when Niall jumped of my lap. My legs died when he did cause that hurt but I was wondering what was up with Lou. I saw him glaring at me and Niall before he sat down next to us.

I wonted to hug him , he looked so adorable when he was grumpy. That was a weird thought. After half an hour there was a knock was on the door. Zayn jumped up and practically ran to the door. He seemed to like Nialls girlfriend. He opened the door and all I heard was "CARA !" I guess her name is Cara. "BABY!" A female said , Cara I'd guess. Zayn walked in a with a woman, arms around each other's waists. She was about the same height as Niall or a bit shorter. Her hair was a dirty blonde- brownish colour and her eyes were a blue grey mix, but full of sparkle as she let her gaze go through the room.

"My babies!" Liam and Louis hugged her and she was squeezed between the four of them since the other two joined the group hug. They all let her go again and Caras' gaze landed on me. She started frowning." I didn't know I adopted a new baby." Louis sat next to me and introduced us to each other. "That's the teddy I told ya about." Piped Niall in. She nodded and smiled at me warmly. Cara hugged me and i hugged her back. She seems so nice.

"I love you all but where is auntie Lana?" Niall told her what Lana was up to in the last weeks. I turned to Louis "is Cara lanas' niece?" He laughed and I blushed. "No , they are just weird. " I nodded slowly. "That wan- he did what ?!" She looked furious, walked into the bedroom and closed the door. I looked around and the others looked worried. "What is happening?" I asked carefully, they turned to me " Cara is gonna finish a guy that played with Lana. " 5 minutes later Cara came back again with a smile.

"He's so done." Louis whispered and I gulped I didn't want to know what would happen if I would ever do something to hurt Louis. "My lovely,lovely babies." She said and hugged us all except Niall. We hugged back and when we let go she walked up to Niall and kissed him. "We two have to be somewhere now." She took his hand and began walking toward the door but turned around once more. " It was great to see you all again, and to get to know you newbie . " And with that they were out the door.

A/N : Short chapter, sorry !

But I'll upload another later or tomorrow

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- M xx

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