Chapter 11

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Eventually I adjust to Dandy's playroom. We would spend hours playing an array or board games. I was now practically a professional at Scrabble and was slowly getting to grips with the art of theatre.

Dandy has a passion for acting. He would often rant about how badly he wanted to be a thespian. It was good to see him fuel his passion into something positive. Although he wasn't exactly talented when it came to acting, he would always try his very best. Sometimes his performances were unbearable to watch, but I would always applaud until my hands ached regardless.

We had already re-enacted Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream and many other famous plays. Dandy is a huge Shakespeare fan. Gloria and Dora never participated in our little shows. Dandy and I were the only cast members and played every character ourselves. It was actually quite enjoyable most of the time. Dandy could be a bit of a control freak and would become quite demanding and moody, but I suppose that comes with the territory of being an actor.

Me and Dora had formed quite a close bond since I came to stay at the Mott mansion. Whenever I was feeling overwhelmed by Dandy's argumentative and intense personality, I would always go downstairs to meet Dora in the kitchen and have a catch up. She would always listen to my every word as I helped her out with chores. She always agreed with me, knowing first-hand exactly how full on the young man could often prove to be. Nothing I ever said about Dandy seemed too harsh or rude to Dora. I felt comfortable knowing that I could be as honest with her as I wished to be. However, she could tell that my liking for Dandy was slowly beginning to grow and that certainly wasn't something that she approved of.

One person that I was definitely unable to speak freely around was Gloria. Although I felt bad for her, it was obvious that she didn't really help herself much. Dandy clearly had abandonment issues, as well as a definite God complex, both of which could only be blamed on Gloria. She was absolutely clueless when it came to raising a child. Dandy told me all about the numerous nannies that he was passed between when he was younger. Gloria had always hidden away, making him someone else's problem. She also spoiled him rotten, too afraid to refuse his obnoxious requests. I suppose she believed it would make up for the lack of love he received from her, but nothing could ever replace motherly care, no matter how expensive it was.

I carefully avoided Gloria as much as I possibly could. However, this didn't seem to bother her in the slightest. She just seemed relieved that she had finally found someone she could pass the burden of Dandy's existence on to. The lack of compassion from Gloria for her own son was honestly inhumane.

I was sat at the dining table eating breakfast with Dandy and Gloria, when Dandy announced that he had something very important that he would like to ask me.

"y/n, you've been staying out our home for a while now and I have loved the time that we've spent together." Dandy had quite a serious expression on his face, leaving me confused as to where the topic of the conversation was going. "However, I realised that you haven't seen much of the outside world since you came here. I know that I can trust you to stay by my side, so I don't want to keep you trapped inside any longer. Would you like to go on a date with me to the little cafe in the centre of town?"

"I'd love to Dandy!" I jumped up and ran over to him, throwing my arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

My actions clearly took him by surprise. I had never been the first one to make a move when it came to showing affection. I was just so ecstatic. I hadn't left the grounds of the Mott mansion for over a week. I was aware that I would have to stick firmly at Dandy's side the whole time, but any sort of freedom is better than nothing.


I stared into the mirror with an uncontrollable smile on my face. I had picked out one of my favourite new outfits - a navy A-line dress with little, heart-shaped buttons going up the top. My hair was neatly styled in a tight, curled ponytail. A soft, pink rouge dusted my cheeks and I had over lined my lips ever so slightly with a creamy lipstick.

Elegantly stepping down the stairs, I was met with with a smart-looking Dandy standing proudly next to the door. He was wearing a dashing, black suit with red and white stripes. Underneath the blazer was a handmade, black jumper and a crisp, white polo shirt.

He reached his arm out to me and I gently placed my small hand in his large one. We headed over to his car and he politely opened the door for me to climb inside.

His car didn't travel much faster than your average person going on a peaceful stroll, but I still sat in awe as we headed to the little cafe that was located in the centre of the small town of Jupiter. My hair flew behind me as I leaned towards the open window, taking in the fresh air.

We soon arrived at the cafe and a bright grin appeared on my face as I realised that I was finally being given the much-needed opportunity to interact with the outside world. To the people at the cafe, Dandy and I would just look like your ordinary, rich couple. I'm sure that anyone seeing us now would be shocked by the truth of our relationship.

We sat in the corner of the cafe closest to the window. I stared outside, watching every passer-by with a look of curiosity. I ignored Dandy's uninteresting rants until the waitress came over, asking us for our order.

At first, the date was rather awkward. Dandy said nothing as he watched me eat, making me a little uncomfortable. I managed to finally convince him to speak when I began talking to him about theatre, asking him about his favourite play from the incredible Shakespeare. Before I knew it, we were both talking passionately about the personalities of each Romeo & Juliet character. Dandy informed me that he strongly related to Tybalt, which came as no surprise to me at all. We both agreed that Romeo was an incredibly irritating and fickle character, turning his devotion quickly from Rosaline to Juliet.

My interest in the conversation continuously grew, until I was distracted by a familiar face walking through the doors of the cafe. My eyes widened as they met with the warm, hazel eyes of Jimmy Darling. Confused by the sudden change in my expression, Dandy turned to look at the door. His face burned in anger.

Jimmy smiled a toothy grin and began to head over to our table. Dandy stiffened as he stood in front of us.

"y/n! I haven't seen you in so long! How've you been? He better be treating you good." He turned to Dandy, giving him a harsh glare.

Dandy rolled his eyes in response. "I'm pretty sure that's none of your business, Lobster Boy." He firmly grabbed my arm, attempting to pull me out of my seat, but he was stopped by Jimmy.

"Woah there, Mister! You can't be touching her like that! I know your Mommy has always made sure you get everything that you childishly demand for, but that ain't how it works in the real world." He spit mockingly.

Dandy never took no for an answer. He shoved Jimmy into a stool next to one of the nearby tables and dragged me out of the cafe, throwing a $100 bill on the counter as he went.

He looked as if he was ready to murder someone as he practically threw me into the front passenger seat of his car. I had never seen him so angry. In the brief time I had known him, he had never been physically aggressive with me. The mentally disturbed man didn't even seem to show an ounce of remorse.

"Don't move from this seat," he demanded. "I have some business that I need to attend to."

I tried to block out all the thoughts of what this 'business' could possibly be as I sat frozen in fear. Dandy's angered expression softened slightly as he noticed how completely terrified I looked. He leaned down to gently stroke my cheek, before storming off back to the cafe.

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