Chapter 34

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I was confused when I woke up to see that Dandy wasn't beside me. I decided to snuggle up in bed for a little while longer before eventually getting up to search the house for his whereabouts.

I searched every room in the house multiple times - he was nowhere to be found.I wasn't too concerned as he was prone to late night strolls where he would disappear for hours on end when he was upset, but I had a strange feeling that wouldn't leave me to rest.

After deciding that I couldn't wait anxiously for him to return any longer, I got myself dressed
up and headed out on a search to find Dandy. There was no sign of life in the gardens and the trailer in the woods that was once the home of that terrifying clown was deserted.

I wandered the town looking for him until I finally reached the freakshow. Everything looked different now that Dandy was in possession of the place. He'd only had control of it for a couple of days and already everything had changed. Almost every poster had his face plastered on it. If I didn't know any better I would've assumed that it was a one-man show.

As I got closer to the big top I spotted Eve and Desiree chatting away in front of what was once Jimmy's trailer. They both smiled brightly as I came into their view and waved shyly at them.

"y/n! Fancy seeing you here." Eve greeted.

"Hi, you two. I was actually here in search of Dandy. Have either of you seen him by any chance?" I asked hopefully.

"Thankfully not!" Desiree answered. "That childish brat has been driving me crazy! He's so demanding! How on earth have you managed to live in the same house as him for so long?"

"He's not that bad once you get to know him." I made an attempt to defend Dandy.

Eve and Desiree didn't look like they were buying my desperate attempt to stick up for him at all.

"We haven't seen him since his big tantrum yesterday." Eve added.

"Don't waste your time looking for him, y/n. Unfortunately I don't think he's dead just yet." Desiree sighed. "I haven't spoken to you for so long! Why don't you just stay with us for a while? It'll do you some good to get away from that dreadful boy."

"I suppose you're right. Dandy will be okay on his own, he's always wandering off like this."

"That's the spirit!" The both cheered.

Dandy POV

This was it. I was finally going to get my
much-needed revenge. Those stupid freaks were going to pay for humiliating me! I don't need them anyway. I'm the star of the show! They're just boring imbeciles who can't do anything right.

I felt a little bad for leaving y/n without any explanation to where I was going, but I knew that they would manage on their own. They were the reason I was doing all of this. The stupid freaks were going to try to take them away from me! There was no way that I was going to ever let that happen. They were the only person I could tolerate, after all.

As I clutched the revolver, I felt like I had the power of God in my hands. I was able to end a life in an instant. Everyone would fear me, just as they should.

As I neared the tent everything was how I wanted it to be. All the freaks were completely unsuspecting of what I was about to do. They were just mindlessly going about their pathetic and boring lives. I was finally about to get my revenge!

y/n POV

I was laughing along with Desiree and Eve when I caught sound of heavy footsteps coming towards the tent. The rushed and aggressive pace sounded so familiar. I looked up with an expression of confusion when I was met with Dandy's piercing, blue eyes. At first I was relieved that I had finally found him. That was until I saw it - the golden gun that his hand was firmly clutching.

Dandy POV

As I passed the row of trailers in front of the tent, the first unfortunate soul that I was met with was the intolerable seal boy. Seeing his sickly face reminded me of when he grossly spat on me. I knew at that moment that it was fate that he would be my first victim.

"We need to talk about our last weeks pay..."

Before he could even finish his sentence I shot him straight through the skull. I felt the blood rush through my veins as a sense of adrenaline kicked in. I watched with a smirk as his limp body fell to the ground - that'd show him who was in control!

I heard a slight gasp coming from the left of me and realised that my next victim was close by. This was going to be even easier than I had originally expected! There was nowhere for them to run.

I slowly approached the washing line strung up between two of the trailers. As I peaked over one of the floral bedsheets I was delight when I spotted the lizard girl curled up in a ball right behind it. She thought that she had been able to hide from me, but she was wrong. I shot her straight through the fresh linen, before continuing on with my fatal mission.

I entered the dining tent, quickly shooting everyone in sight. One of them thought she'd be able to escape me, but no matter how quickly she ran me and my bullets were inescapable.

Soon I was firing bullets constantly. Everyone in my line of sight was shot down. The harsh sound of gunshots was like music to my ears.

I entered one of the trailers, almost certain that one of the freaks was hiding in there. I thoroughly searched every corner, hoping to eventually find something, but there was no one to be found. I was beginning to lose patience. I knew that someone was trying to outwit me and I couldn't let that happen.

I heard heavy breathing somewhere in the trailer - I knew someone was hiding in there! I rummaged through every cupboard and tore apart the bed. There was one final door that I hadn't yet searched, but as I was about to open it I was suddenly shoved to the floor!

I was thrown into a fight with the tall woman, each of us punching wildly and rolling around crazily until I finally caught her off-guard by punching her right in the nose. I managed to drag myself off of the floor and shot her in the back of the leg, causing her to drop to her knees before shooting her in the head.

I dusted myself off before continuing on my way. It seemed like I had managed to kill every freak at the show. The twins were nowhere to be found, but that was to be dealt with at a later date.

Just as I was about to head back home to see y/n I heard a gentle snuffle coming from the main tent. It seemed that I had one final victim to kill.

I cautiously entered the tent, but as I neared the source of the noise the quiet cries began to sound familiar. Curled up and hidden in a corner was y/n, shaking uncontrollably.

"y/n? What the hell are you doing here?"

"D-Dandy? What have you done?" They sniffed.

"I did what had to be done." I replied firmly but lovingly.

"Are you going to kill me too?" They whispered, their voice was filled with fear.

"Of course not! I would never hurt you." I answered, slowly embracing them.

y/n POV

After just witnessing the utter brutality hat Dandy was capable of, I wasn't so sure that his words were true ...

Authors note - sorry it took so long for me to update! I hope you liked the chapter and seeing Dandy's POV! I think the next chapter may be the final one, but I'm not completely sure yet. I'll make sure to do some Dandy imagines in my next book (ahs imagines) so you'll never miss out on all the Dandy content! Thank you so much for all the support <3

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