Chapter 26

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Warning - *sexual content* It was an attempt lmao

I didn't say a word to Dandy for a whole week after I discovered that he had framed Jimmy. For the first couple of days he understood my anger towards him and made sure to give me lots of space, not wanting me to turn and snap at him. However, it didn't take long for his own frustration to build and he was soon screaming in my face, demanding my attention. I stayed completely silent, never once giving in to his whinging.

"y/n! It's been a week now and you haven't spoken to me once! I've told you i'm sorry a million times. What else am I supposed to do?" Dandy sulked.

My mouth stayed firmly closed. I didn't even glance in his direction. I was determined that I wasn't going to give into him so easily. He would have to do something really special to get back on my good side. He had to prove that he truly cared.

"Just say something - anything at all! Tell me what I can do to cheer you up." Dandy begged.

"I don't know what you can do to make it up to me." I finally admitted.

"Finally! I was beginning to forget what you're voice sounded like." He could be way too dramatic at times. "If you can't think of something I'll have to figure out my own way to make it up to you."

"You can't buy my forgiveness." I scoffed.

"That's not what I was thinking of. I learnt long ago from my mother that money will never make up for anything."

"Then what exactly do you propose?" I questioned.

"How about ... a full day of pampering. You can demand whatever you wish for and I will never once make a single complaint." He seemed pleased with his proposal.

"This better be good." I begrudgingly accepted his offer.

"You will not regret it! I'll get you a bath running right away."

Dandy hurried off and I couldn't stop myself from giggling at his childish excitement. I wasn't exactly sure how the day was going to play out. Selfless affection wasn't really something that Dandy had much experience with. However, I still thought it was sweet that he was willing to put in the effort. He was truly desperate for me to forgive him.

"y/n, your bath is ready." Dandy called down the stairs.

I hesitantly wandered upstairs to the bathroom connected to my room, part of me expecting it to be completely flooded. I was pleasantly surprised to see that everything was pristine and the bathtub was filled with the perfect amount of water for me. Bubbles that had come from an expensive bottle of luxury liquid soap covered the surface to the point where it was almost overflowing. Dandy was standing with a proud grin on his face beside his creation.

"I'm pleasantly surprised, Dandy. I was expecting this to be a complete disaster." I remarked teasingly.

"I'm not that incapable." He rolled his eyes at my cheeky comment.

His clear annoyance caused me to erupt into a fit of laughter, which in turn brought the bright smile back onto Dandy's face.

"Well are you going to get in then? It's all yours."

I slipped out of my clothing and cast it to the side carelessly. The fact that Dandy was staring at me in awe caused a slight, burning blush to creep across my cheeks.

Dandy politely held out his hand to me, allowing me to grasp it firmly for balance before sliding into the large bathtub. I sighed in contempt. The water was the perfect temperature.

"I got you a few things from the shop in the middle of town. The lady who was working there assured me that they were great for relaxation and taking care of your skin or something like that." He pulled out several tubs of mysterious creams.

I took one of the strange pots that he was holding and glanced at the label curiously. If stated that it was the perfect thing for a soft and refreshed face.

"I can put it on you if you'd like." Dandy offered.

I nodded and handed it back to him. He opened up the container and peered down at the beige coloured cream. I could tell that the last thing he wanted to do was delve his hand into the sludgy product, but he did so non-the-less.

"Close you eyes." He softly commanded. His caring tone caused a wave of comfort to wash over me.

I did as he said as he covered my face in the fancy cream, making sure that it was evenly distributed. The look of disgust on his face as he wiped the thick substance off of his hand caused me to giggle again, but I quickly bolted myself as I remembered that I had to stay still in order for the cream to stay in place.

After a few minutes, Dandy cleaned off the cream which left behind a little tingling sensation. When he was finished he pressed a delicate kiss to my lips and then on both of my rosy cheeks. It was as if I had completely forgotten why I was angry with him. He treated me so differently from everyone else. It felt like he truly cared for me. Either that or he was a master manipulator. In reality it was probably a mixture of both.

Dandy's hands then shifted up to my hair. He began to gently massage my scalp. I thought that his hands would feel rough and firm, but they were actually quite soft and soothing. I soon realised that he had begun to plant kisses along my jawline and down my neck. I couldn't hold back the sounds of appreciation that I released as he started to suck lightly on my neck and collarbone.

We were soon in a heated make out session and I found myself wanted more from him.

"Why don't you join me?" He smirked as I looked up at him innocently.

Dandy didn't think twice before stripping completely and slipping into the bathtub, inserting himself underneath me with my back against his chest. He kissed along my shoulders and gradually travelled further down.

"Are you ready?" He asked, wanted me to be certain of my answer.

"Definitely." I confirmed.

This was all he needed. He flipped me over so that he was positioned above me, which caused some of the bath water to spill out onto the bathroom floor.

He went slowly and cautiously, making sure not to hurt me. I couldn't stop myself from moaning out in pleasure. He began to pick up his pace and I felt that I was about to reach my climax. We both released at the same moment. Dandy let out a low groan before switching us around again so that I was laying on top of him.

"That was fun." I panted out.

"It certainly was." He winked.

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