Final Chapter

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I felt numb after the brutal mass killing that I had witnessed the previous day. The strong relationship that I had believed was gradually building between me and Dandy felt like it had crumbled to pieces in the short time-span of five minutes. I always knew that Dandy was highly destructive - he was practically a ticking bomb - but I never knew that he was capable of a full-on shoot out. He killed people that he didn't even know simply because they refused to blindly follow his stupid rules.

I hadn't spoken to Dandy for over 12 hours when he burst into my bedroom unannounced.

"y/n, why have you been avoiding me?" He asked with an exasperated tone.

His words stunned me into silence. Had he just completely forgotten all of the awful things he had done. He killed the people that I once considered my family and he didn't even think twice about it.

"Why won't you just talk to me?" He continued to push.

"I hate you! You killed everyone I ever cared about!" I screamed.

Dandy looked surprised by my sudden outburst, but his shock soon turned to rage.

"They wouldn't listen to me! They called me boring!" He yelled.

"You're pathetic!" I screeched.

As soon as I closed my mouth I regretted my words. His eyes began to darken as he approached me slowly. Before I had the chance to realise what was happening his hands were wrapped firmly around my neck and he roughly squeezed. I desperately tried to take in some air, but it was no use. My vision became foggy and my head began to spin. When I was only moments away from passing out Dandy's facial expression changed suddenly. He dropped me to the floor and I gasped desperately for oxygen. He gave me one last look of concern before storming out of the room and leaving the house.

My first thought was to chase after him, but I was still absorbed by shock. My hands trembled violently and I was unable to pull myself up. I had no clue where he could've stomped off to. I racked my brain for some sort of idea of where he would like to go. Surely he wouldn't want to go to the freakshow? At this point it was practically a mass grave. I grimaced at the thought of all the limp bodies piled high in the tent. Then suddenly something clicked - some people were still alive! Dandy had gone off to finish what he started.

After getting my wits together I rushed off towards the freakshow. I didn't even stop to get myself ready - I knew that I was up against the clock. I ran as fast as I could force myself to go until I reached the familiar field filled with old trailers. I tried to listen out for the sound of gunshots but I couldn't hear a single sound. Was I already too late?

I was only metres away from the tent when I finally began to hear voices. I was relieved to hear that there was still more than one.

As I entered the tent, the scene in front of me left me speechless. Dandy was locked up in some sort of glass cage that was being filled up with water and Jimmy, Desiree and Bette & Dot all surrounded him as if it was some sort of cult ritual.

"What on earth is going on here?" I demanded.

"y/n," Jimmy started. "I think you should go. I really don't want you to have to witness this."

"Not until you tell me what the hell is going on here." I stood my ground.

"What's happening is you pretty little boyfriend is finally getting what's coming to him." Desiree snapped.

"Look, I know that Dandy has gone horrible things, but surely there's another way we can work this out. He can go to prison where he belongs - or even Briarcliffe!" I pleaded.

"No!" Dot intervened. "He deserves a death as brutal as the deaths our family faced at the hands of him."

"Dandy! I'm going to get you out of here!" I ran towards the glass, banging on it desperately.

"y/n!" He pressed himself up against the glass and looked down at me as I looked up at him with tearful eyes.

"I'm going to get you out of here!" I repeated, more so to convince myself than Dandy.

"It's no use, y/n, I'm sorry. I love you."

Shortly after he choked out those words the cage was almost filled with water and I witnessed his painful struggle before he was finally still.

"I love you, too." I whispered, just as the light faded from his eyes.

"You seriously love that monster?" Jimmy spat.

"You didn't know him the way I did. He wasn't quite as selfish as he seemed." I muttered.

"There's something seriously wrong with you." Dot accused and Bette nodded in agreement.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"How could you even attempt to stick up for a disgusting man like that." Desiree snarled.

"I know that what he did was awful and I'm sorry! I don't agree with his actions at all, but for a long time Dandy was all I had." I defended myself apprehensively.

"He kept you like a prisoner!" Jimmy fumed.

"She's a lost cause, Jimmy, you know what we have to do." Dot intervened bitterly.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned, looking between the four of them with concern.

Jimmy roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the tent towards Dandy's car. I looked up at him with fear covering my face and he glanced down at me apologetically but continued dragging me towards the vehicle.

"Where are we going?" Everyone stayed silent. "Tell me!"

"We're taking you to Briarcliffe." Jimmy finally admitted.

"Don't you dare!" I screeched.

I thrashed around wildly, but it was no use, Dot and Desiree had a firm hold of me. Soon we were reaching the iron gates and I knew that any further attempt at escape was futile. I was pulled up to the front doors and glanced up at the bleak building - much different to Dandy's grand mansion. My new life of hell was about to begin.


Life at Briarcliffe was miserable and cruel, just as I had expected. For the first few months Jimmy would visit quite often to check up on me, but eventually the guilt of what he had done to me became too much and his visits became less and less frequent until he didn't visit me at all.

I never forgot about Dandy and everything he did. I continued to relive that awful day at the freakshow in my mind as I was brutally tortured at the asylum. Despite all the pain that Dandy had brought me, I knew undoubtedly that I still loved him endlessly.


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