three - play

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The next day after school, the second years challenged the first years to a mini game. The second years wore blue practice jerseys while the first years wore yellow ones.

"I can't believe we're playing the upperclassmen already," Kawahara muttered.

"Do you remember their record from last year they told us about during our first meeting?" Fukuda asked him, "They went to the finals in just their first year."

"Are you serious?" Kawahara reeled.

"That's not normal.." Furihata joined in.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," Kagami butted in, smirking. "It's always better to have stronger opponents than weaker ones."

"I agree, it's much more fun to struggle and overcome it than to just laze back and win, right guys?" Sasaki affirmed, making the other three first years slowly nod after contemplating. "Since we have more players than we need, I'll step off. Is that okay, Riko-san?" He turned to the coach, who frowned but nodded.

"Yeah, that's fine. You can switch in at half time or something, discuss it with your teammates."

"Personally I don't want you to sit out," Kuroko said, "But whatever the team wants is fine with me."

"What position do you prefer to play, Sasaki?" Kawahara asked, to which he replied a second later.

"Usually point guard, but whatever you guys need me as I can probably do," He explained.

"Then if you don't mind, could you be center? You're taller than me so it would definitely work out," Fukuda said, and Sasaki agreed.

"Sure! Just let me know when you wanna sub out," He smiled before jogging over to Riko. "Sup."

"Not much," She replied, snickering at him before taking the ball and heading to the center where everyone was waiting to do the tip off.

Sasaki watched for a few minutes as Kagami wrecked the second years by dunking every single ball. His jumps were great though, even Sasaki had to admit that. Soon enough though, the second years started triple and double teaming Kagami.

"Sasaki! Come switch with me!" Fukuda called at the next ball out of bounds. Doing so, Sasaki nodded to Kuroko.

"Been holding back, ay?"

"Not intentionally," Kuroko almost pouted, making him laugh and pat him on the shoulder.

"Well feel free to start playing for real, kay?"

The game started again, and Furihata tried to pass to Kagami. The ball got stolen, however, making the first years go on defense. Sasaki readied himself under the hoop. As Mitobe was dribbling towards him, he saw a flash of blue, causing a smirk to appear on his face.

Kuroko slapped the ball out of Mitobe's reach, towards Sasaki. Easily catching it, he passed it to Furihata before bolting to the other side of the court.

"Where'd he even come from?!" Hyuuga panted as the second years went on defense, two of them going on Kagami.

"Furihata!" Sasaki called his hands up ready to get a pass.

Mitobe went to intercept, but Kuroko managed to get there first and moved the pass over him. Sasaki caught it and jumped up, slamming the ball into the hoop over Tsuchida's head.


"Looks like it's not just Kagami we need to worry about.." Izuki grumbled while panting.

"You're right," Hyuuga agreed, "but we can't exactly double team them both."

"Hey," Sasaki jogged up to Furihata. "Mind letting me be point for one? I just want to try something."

"Uh," Furihata pursed his lips, glancing at Kawahara and Fukuda before nodding. "Sure, have at it. Just one, though."

"Got it," Sasaki smirked, glancing at Kuroko and winking. He figured out his specialty after that first pass, it was beautiful. And now he understood what he needed to do.

This team was actually almost perfect for Kuroko. With Sasaki as point guard who knew about his ability and Kagami as their power forward, Kuroko would be able to stay invisible and keep passing and leave their opponents completely incapacitated.

The next time the second years scored, Riko almost spluttered when she saw that Sasaki had switched from being a center to a point guard. It reminded her of Kiyoshi for a quick second.

Glancing at everyone, Sasaki decided to mess around a bit. Quickening his dribbling, he started weaving the ball in and out of his legs and behind his back. Then, he spun around his stunned mark and passed the ball to Kuroko.

Running at the hoop, Sasaki jumped and had his hand open, as if he was holding the ball. Kuroko sent the ball straight to his hand, and the white haired male dunked it. Riko's jaw dropped, as did some of the second years'.

It was thirty eight to thirty seven, meaning the first years were winning.

Koganei had the ball, but when he tried to pass it to Mitobe, Sasaki stole it. The ball bounced to Kuroko, who started dribbling. Sasaki could already tell this wasn't gonna go in, so he quickly caught up with him.

"Here, Kuroko!" He held his hands up, ready for the ball. However, the blue haired male shook his head and gestured to the hoop. Another alleyoop, then?

Nodding in understanding, Sasaki sped up and jumped for the hoop. Once again, Kuroko passed the ball perfectly into his hand and the white haired male slammed it in, leaving everyone stunned.

"Nice pass!" He held his hand up after he had landed. The two high fived, smiling at each other. Kagami's eyes narrowed at the two while everyone else was still panting. Riko noticed too, it was as if the two were made for each other.


Kise's eyes widened, feeling a shift in the air. Murasakibara paused in the middle of eating a chip. Midorima's glasses flashed as he turned to face the door of the gym. Aomine felt his heart start beating faster. Akashi slowly blinked.

Another had joined their ranks. Another had opened the door and sauntered inside. The door only the prodigies contained in the Generation of Miracles could open.

But then, they all felt even more confused. One second the person was there, and the next, it was as if it had never happened.

Akashi narrowed his eyes as he moved a shoji piece. How interesting..

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