fifty eight - sicky boi

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(Finally a whole chapter not from Sasaki's point of view!)

"Hey, have you seen Sasaki recently?" Furihata asked Kagami as they walked to practice. "I didn't see him at lunch, and we normally eat together. When I went to his classroom, he wasn't there either."

"Nah, I haven't seen him today," Kagami answered, "I was with him and Kuroko last night, though."

"Oh, I see," The point guard pursed his lips, trying to think of a reason for the white haired male not to show up for lunch.

"Well either way, we'll see him in a sec," the redhead said, "Can't be skipping out on practice. He'd never do that unless it was serious so you can ask him what's what."

"Right," Furihata nodded as they turned the corner and went inside the gym. Everyone was gathered around Riko as she made a serious expression.

"Ah, good, you're the last two missing," Riko spotted them, gesturing with her head for them to join the others around her. "Listen up, our next games are going to be much harder than we thought."

"Wait, aren't we against Senshinkan?" Hyuuga asked, looking around. "Also, where's Sasaki?"

"That's part of the reason," The coach held up her phone, displaying the message from Sasaki.


Sasaki Hayate
I did a thing and now I'm throwing up. Going to the doctor tomorrow so I most likely won't be able to be in the next two games we have. Sorry Riko-san!


Immediately Kuroko facepalmed, figuring out what had happening and that it was entirely Sasaki's fault for not washing his hands when he had been told to. The phantom was glad he'd done as Akashi had said and washed his hands, otherwise he might be in the same state.

"Sasaki-kun won't be here for a while, and so we have to win on our own," Riko spoke as she put her phone away. "But I believe in us. So for practices this week, we'll be working in Izuki-kun as point and reworking our plays and pacing. Now then, let's start practice!"


"Kuroko-kun," Riko called him over during a water break. "You know where Sasaki-kun's house is, don't you?"

"Yes," He nodded in affirmation, so the coach went on.

"I'd like to deliver some meds and see how he's feeling, so could you take me there after practice is over?"

"Sure," Kuroko agreed. "I was planning on going to see how he was myself, anyways."

Soon enough, practice ended and the two went to see how the white haired doofus was doing. Since Kuroko didn't want to seem creepy to Riko with the fact that he had a key to Sasaki's house, he knocked instead of just unlocking the door.

"Hello Tetsuya," Akashi opened the door, glancing between the two. "Aida Riko, correct?"

"Err, yeah," The coach blinked, confusion written across her face. "Who are you?"

"I'm Hayate's lover," The Rakuzan captain said without explicitly saying his name, "What are you two doing here?"

"We came to check on Hayate-kun," The phantom explained, and immediately Akashi's eyes hardened.

"He's resting currently and I will not allow anyone to disturb him. I can answer any questions you have right here," He stated, and immediately Riko felt like she'd just come on a lion protecting his injured mate.

"What are you even doing here still?" Kuroko demanded, and before Akashi could answer, Riko cut him off.

"W-what did the doctor say?" She decided to make it brief, and the lion-like male blinked before smiling as he answered.

"They said he'll be fine, and to wait a few days after his fever resides to allow him back to school, as he'll still be contagious until the virus completely leaves him," Akashi informed them. "And from how he was doing today, I'd say he'll be back around Monday of next week."

"That long?" Riko's eyes widened, as it was a week away.

"Yes, Hayate was throwing up a lot today, barely having time away from the restroom," The Rakuzan captain shook his head in dismay. "The only reason he's out right now is because I double dosed him with some pm sleep aid."

"That is bad," The coach grimaced before offering the bag in her hand to the guardian of the door. "I brought some vitamins and protein as well as some flu medication in case he needs anymore."

"Thank you," Akashi took it from her. "I'll make sure he gets it."

"Then, we'll be going," Riko dragged Kuroko away, even as he opened his mouth to protest. Akashi closed the door, a smirk on his face. That girl knows what's good for her, he thought as he went to the kitchen to see what exactly was in the bag.

When he emptied it, Akashi sweatdropped. So this is why Hayate said Riko was a terrible cook.


"Hey, I didn't see Sasaki with Seirin," Takao muttered as he walked with Midorima after their first league game that Saturday, two days from when Akashi predicted Sasaki would be able to return.

"Of course not," The greenette said, as if it was obvious. "He's currently ill, so if I had seen him, I would have taken him home myself."

"Oh shit, what's he down with?" The point guard asked, elbowing the shooting guard playfully. "You must be pretty worried, huh Shin-chan?"

"A stomach virus, as far as I know," He responded curtly, not saying more. Takao narrowed his eyes at him before shrugging and putting his hands behind his head.

"Kay, so are we gonna go visit him?"

"Of course not, fool. He's extremely contagious so unless you wish to become a hindrance and get sick, that would be unwise."

"You're such a buzzkill. Isn't he your boyfriend? So cold.."

"Shut up about things you don't understand, Takao."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. That just means he probably won't be in the game playing us," Takao said, then it took him a second to actually comprehend that he'd said that. "Oh wow, that's great. We'll only have to worry about Kagami and Kuroko instead of the actual problem."

"Indeed," Midorima pushed up his glasses. "As much as it pains me that I won't be playing Seirin at their full strength, I won't be holding back."

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