forty seven - a lil too much

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(Hey guys, I just wanted to remind you that I update twice a week. Do you know anybody else that does that? Even new releases for tv shows only air once a week.
Now, feel free to worship me.)

"This is way too cliche, even for a yandere," Sasaki sighed, rattling the chains attached to his arms and legs. He was currently in an unknown location, in a bedroom that looked pretty lavish. His chains were long enough for him to get around the room and go to the bathroom, which he was happy about because at least he wasn't stuck to the bed.

However, when he had tried the door, it was locked from the outside so the snowy haired boy apparently couldn't leave. The windows were an option, but he'd have to get rid of the chains because jumping out a window three stories up with chains on was a story of failure and, most likely, death.

Sasaki had woken up fifteen minutes ago, alone. No one had yet come to greet him even after he was yelling for the first five minutes.

Suddenly, the door opened and Akashi came in carrying a tray of food. "You must be hungry, so I brought some things I thought you might enjoy."

"I'd enjoy leaving but I doubt you'll let me," Sasaki deadpanned as his captor smiled.

"As expected, you're quick on the uptake. I'm glad you aren't struggling, I didn't want to dose you again," He mumbled, kneeling in front of the bed after having put the food down. Taking Sasaki's hands in his, he kissed them and looked up at him. "Become mine, Hayate. Only mine. I don't know what I'll do if you don't."

"Uhhh," Sasaki had seen his fair share of crazy eyed people, but Akashi looked down right deranged. Swallowing, he squeezed the captain's hands. "Akashi-"

"Call me Seijuro, or Sei," He interrupted.

"How about neither?" Sasaki sweat dropped as Akashi narrowed his eyes. "Would Seiji work?" The question seemed to surprise the other male, but after the hesitation passed, he smiled with a chuckle and nodded.

"Yes, that's perfect. You can call me Seiji," He rubbed his cheek on Sasaki's hand, and the snowy haired male swore if Akashi was a cat, he'd be purring so loud he might have gone deaf. "I love you, Hayate."

"Seiji," Sasaki started, biting his lip as he thought of what to say. "You didn't need to do this, I wouldn't have minded adding you to my harem-"

"You're the only one for me," Akashi's eyes were hard as he stood, suddenly gripping Sasaki's jaw and making him look him straight in the eye as he angrily stated, "And I'm the only one for you. Understand?"

"Sir I'm very close to head locking you, please release my face before it bruises."

"Hayate," Akashi growled, their foreheads now pressed together. "I will not tolerate disrespect, even if it is from you."

"Neither will I," Sasaki glared right back at him. "A relationship is a two way street. I put up with the yandere BS because I can't think of a way to stop you guys, but this is too much-"


"You're right, a relationship is a two way street," Akashi said as Sasaki held his cheek. "You must not realize this yet, but I own you. I will love you, give you anything you want, but I'm not above punishing you."

"I'm not into owner pet play, or master servant or whatever," Sasaki spoke up, and Akashi almost deadpanned. "This is honestly so stupid--hear me out before you hit me again," He gave him a pointed look. "I don't really get why you need to go to such lengths when I probably would have accepted you as my boyfriend. I'm a very simple guy to please, but honestly this," He jingled the chains, "goes against every one of my boundaries. Aka--Seiji," He corrected himself, "I thought you were a stand up guy during our time hanging out together, and I was looking forward to the next time we would meet, but this isn't it. I have a lot of experience playing dead and I'm sure you don't want that, so before you decide on whatever it is you plan to do next, think about what you stand to lose and what you stand to gain. You'd gain my body, but not my heart. You'd lose my respect and any chance of me returning your feelings. Think about it. I probably won't be able to break out, and I know that's what you want, but yeah. Friggin nuts, just leave so I can cry."

"Fine," Akashi mumbled, glaring at the floor before sighing and moving so that he was cupping Sasaki's face. "I'll come back in a few hours. You already know where everything is, if you want to see me just shout my name and I'll come," He instructed. Waiting until the snowy haired boy nodded, Akashi soon left the room.

"Dangnamit," Sasaki felt his eyes leaking. "I hate feeling trapped," He put his hand over his mouth to stop the sob that was about to break free from his throat. He had managed to be strong, but now he was going to break down.

Sasaki spent the next thirty minutes crying in the fetal position. It had been years since he'd had to hide, since he'd have to force himself into tight spaces to avoid his parents' gazes. Of course, the huge bedroom he was chained in wasn't small, but it was still a cage meant to keep him hidden.

His childhood wasn't the best, but it also wasn't the worst. Sure, his mother and father would yell at him and neglect him, saying it was his fault that they couldn't get a promotion, that they could only ever be low working class citizens.

If only he hadn't been born.

He heard that almost every day of his life. He'd gotten used to it. He stopped caring about trying to get their love at about six years old, instead focusing on making them happy by staying out of their sight, and doing all the household work while they were gone so they wouldn't need to.

Sasaki just wanted them to be happy.

But there was always that little voice in the back of his mind, asking what about yourself? Don't you deserve to be happy?

Suddenly, there was a knock on the window. Thinking that was weird since Akashi could come through the door at any time he wanted, and he had said he'd come back in a few hours when it hadn't been even one hour yet, Sasaki sat up and went over. His eyes widened once he opened the curtains.

"What did he do to you?" Aomine growled, climbing through the opening. "Aya, I haven't killed anyone since you set the one kill rule, but that stops today. Akashi is a dead man."

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