ninety eight - jealousy

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"AYACCHIIII!" Kise cried, clutching his lover in his arms. "I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE AWAKE!"

"Uh, yeah, me too," He patted his back while sweatdropping, unsure of what was happening. He'd just finished hugging heterochromic Akashi when he'd suddenly opened his eyes in his actual body, greeted by a distressed Kise.

With that thought came the urge to check up on his other boyfriend, so Sasaki glanced over at where he'd last seen him. Sure enough, the Rakuzan captain was awake and watching the scene, looking almost indifferent.

Suddenly, Sasaki's phone chirped, so he used that as an excuse to weasel his way out of Kise's hold and dove to grab it. It was Kagami, as he suspected.

Hey, we just got done talking. So here's the gist of it...

Sasaki read through the description, finding similarities and contrasts between the two sides of the story. This definitely helped me get the full perspective, he thought as he texted back a thank you.

"Why're you here, Akashicchi?" Kise asked, hostility in his gaze as he glare at him. "I didn't expect you'd be with your opponent the night before your game."

"He may be my opponent," The captain answered, "But he's also my lover, just as he is yours."

"Plus I sorta called him over," Sasaki volunteered the information, causing the two to look over at him as he did the shy finger guns.

"But I want you all to myselffff!" The blonde complained, causing Akashi to scoff and Sasaki to sweatdrop. "I haven't seen you in a while, can't I be selfish? You owe me that much after beating me," Kise guilt tripped him, causing the azurette to bite his lip.

"Well, it appears that I should be taking my leave," Akashi stood up from the bed, drawing attention to himself as he made his way over to Sasaki. Grasping his chin, Sasaki's face was forced to tilt upwards as the captain's lips descended on his.

It was a short kiss-lasting no longer than six seconds-but Akashi turned it into a French kiss the second their mouths touched, so Sasaki was left kind of hot and bothered as they separated. Kise almost growled at Akashi as the latter smirked, making his way out of the house.

"Ayacchi," The aura around the Kaijo ace was dark as he spoke his lover's name, sending shivers down Sasaki's spine. "Come over here."

"Errrrrr... okay.." He hesitantly did so. The second he was within reach, Kise had him under him on the bed. "Woah-" His yelp was cut off as the blonde meshed their mouths together, obviously jealous. I wanna erase ever trace of him, Sasaki accidentally heard, even if it's only tonight, I want to imprint myself into Ayacchi's very existence!

You've already done that, Ryouta, he thought to himself, knowing it wouldn't help to tell him as he kissed him back harder. (Smexy scene ahead)

"No sex unless it's a Friday," Sasaki reminded him, panting as they parted for a moment.

"Yeah, I got it," He smiled, pulling back to take off his shirt. "Doesn't mean we can't mess around," He grinned deviously, pulling Sasaki's pants off of him. Kissing up his thighs, Kise started sucking and leaving marks. Finally, he got around to stripping off Sasaki's underwear, leaving his bottom half bare.

Licking his lips, the blonde went down on him as his lover jolted. "Ngh, Ryou..ta.." He bit his lip, his eyes closed tightly as his boyfriend took his length in his mouth. Suddenly, Kise was pulling him so that his legs were over Kise's shoulders, his cock still in his lover's mouth. "Ah!" Sasaki's eyes widened, the sight was so lewd.

It didn't take much longer for the azurette to come, leaving him shuddering as Kise released him after swallowing all that he'd given him. "You're adorable," He murmured, now laying behind Sasaki. Running a hand under his lover's shirt, he started tweaking Sasaki's nipple as he got his own cock out from its confinement, stoking the already hard length.

"Seriously?" Sasaki panted, looking down at what Kise was doing to his chest. "Ryouta!" He whined, drawing a chuckle from the person behind him.

"Squeeze your thighs for me, Ayacchi," He whispered in his ear, sending a shiver down the azurette's spine and causing him to do as told without even really thinking about it. He gasped as he felt Kise's cock push against his sack, rubbing between his legs. The blonde groaned, now using one hand to mess with Sasaki's nipple and the other to hold him in place to make sure he didn't escape.

Rocking himself between his lover's thighs, Kise bit into his shoulder. Sasaki's mouth was left agape, too many sensations begin processed in his head to give him time to react properly. "I love you," The blonde breathed onto his lover's skin. "I love you, I love you, I love you-" he repeated it several times as he sped up, chasing his high.

The waves of ecstasy crashed over both of them simultaneously, causing them both to cry out the other's name.


GC of Bros With No Hoes Except Naoto and Sauceman
Hobo Gremlin: good luck sauce
King Panda: We're all watching so don't disappoint!
Sauce-monster: haha yeah for sure! I'm glad I could get you guys a day off lol
Yoting a yeet: yeet
Dumbass with an ass: still basketball so not technically a day off
RBF LV100: We aren't the ones on the court tho
No Game No Life: Ugh, I'll just play a bit after the game. Anyone down?
Hobo Gremlin: No way in hell
The one with a hoe: Don't feel like it
Yoting a yeet: sure
Sauce-monster: wow he can say smth other than yeet
Yoting a yeet: yeet
That's what yo mom said: Guys get over to the screening room would ya
King Panda: I'm bringing popcorn!
The one with a hoe: to share, right?
King Panda: I gotta share????!!!!
That's what yo mom said: Don't worry, I knew this would happen so I got everyone else popcorn.
Hobo Gremlin: Thanks mom
That's what yo mom said: I'm not your mom

Grinning down at his phone, Sasaki paused as an announcement over the speakers of the gym was made. "There will be a ten minute break before the second half. Rakuzan and Seirin, please begin warming up."

"Yeah!" The two teams echoed, stepping onto the court. It's finally time, Sasaki could not stop grinning. To face Seiji, for the championships!

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