twenty eight - a legend a lemon

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(The winner was Kuroko being a yandere and a top so I went back and changed a few things in the other chapters. From now on he will be appearing in the interludes. Now then, enjoy the chapter~)

"You bastard! Aomine!" Kagami slapped said person's arm away from him after getting over the shock.

"You're finally here?" Imayoshi greeted, almost sounding exasperated. "Hurry up and get ready so you can play!"

"Eh? But there's only one minute left in the second quarter anyway," Aomine pointed out, but the coach wasn't having it.

"No, you have to play."

"Fine," The dark haired player threw his bag down, then stripped down to his jersey. "Well then.. Let's go," His expression twisted with what looked to be excitement to pummel. Sorry to disappoint but I've never been pummeled at anything, Sasaki snickered to himself, trying not to draw attention.

It was 52 Seirin to 45 Touou with 51 seconds left on the clock as Kagami went out, and only twenty seconds later, Aomine was switched in. He sauntered onto the court, smirking the entire way. Suddenly, he stopped in front of Sasaki. "Hey, you're the one that got in," He recognized him, "Hot damn, now I'm really riled up."

"Nice to meet you too," Sasaki beamed, "I'd shake your hand but I'm sweaty and you're not yet so yeah, maybe later?"

"Ha!" Aomine threw his head back as he laughed. "Sure! What's your name again?"

"Oh, it's Sasaki Hayate, did I forget to introduce myself?" He literally seemed aghast at that fact. "That's really strange. Oh well, that doesn't matter right now. Please take care of me for the rest of the match," Sasaki bowed, making the person in front of him blink.

"Yeah okay, let's see what you got. Oh," He suddenly turned his attention to the side of Sasaki. "Hey Tetsu, it's good to see you again. I was wondering what face you'd make. I like it, you look ready to go."

"Of course! My buddy Kuroko here and I are gonna beat your butt bright red till you can't sit down!" Sasaki bumped Kuroko's shoulder, beaming and chuckling.

"You're a weird one," Aomine shook his head, not minding in the slightest. The game started a few seconds later, and everyone immediately noticed that Sasaki was on Aomine.

The Touou players soon isolated the two players, and Sakurai passed to Aomine. Sasaki remembered the conversation before the game when Seirin was coming up with a game plan for Aomine.

"I can do it!" Kagami had protested.

"Sasaki-kun is our strongest player, we don't want to risk it just because you have a grudge!" Riko had retorted.

"It's not a grudge! I can handle him, I know it-"

"No! End of discussion," The coach had shut him down before she had turned to Sasaki. "Sasaki-kun, you'll be on Aomine. Do your best, if you need help we can do a double team."

"Roger that, chief."

Now that they were in front of each other, Sasaki knew without a doubt that Kagami would not have been able to take on Aomine in the redhead's current state. Maybe not even at his peak.

Aomine smirked as he started weaving the ball around himself before faking to his left and instead going full throttle to the right. Sasaki almost yawned as he continued to guard him. "Ha, you're not half bad," The Touou ace grinned.

"You're pretty good yourself," Sasaki complimented in return.

"Pretty good?" Aomine scoffed, suddenly kicking it up a notch. Sasaki's eyes widened as Aomine got passed him. "I'm a fucking legend compared to you."

"Oh?" Sasaki blinked, then chased after him. As he went to go around Hyuuga who had come to block him, Aomine's own eyes widened as the ball was no longer in his hands. "Kuroko!" Sasaki yelled, sending the stolen ball straight at the blue haired player.

Kuroko ignite passed to Kagami, who was making his way to the other side of the court. As he went for a dunk, Aomine came out of nowhere and blocked him easily. Sasaki whistled, slightly impressed.

And with that, the second quarter ended. "Oh? It's over?" Aomine seemed surprised. "I was going to score one as a quick warm up.."

"Like I'd let you do that so easily," Sasaki patted him on the shoulder. "See you after half time, Aomine!"

"Just you wait, Sasaki," Aomine smirked, getting up in the white haired male's face. "I hope you come at me instead of just passing next time."

"But I'm a point guard," Sasaki pointed to himself. "And I wasn't in a good position. Kuroko and Kagami were, though, so I did what any point guard would do."

"You're a point guard with those reflexes?" Aomine sneered. Sasaki nodded.

"Yeah. Is there a problem with that? It's the position I find most enjoyable!" He smiled, "Anyway, we should probably go."

"Oh, right," He glanced towards the benches. They were the only ones standing on the court then since everyone else had vacated and was heading towards their respective locker rooms.

By the time Aomine looked back at Sasaki, the white haired boy was long gone. A smirk broke out on the dark haired male's face. "Finally. Someone who I can go against without holding back!"

"Good work in the first half!" Riko said once the Seirin players were all in the locker room. "I made you these so we can make a keep going strong in the second half!" She exclaimed, "They'll replenish your energy!"

"Ma'am I will say this as politely as possible," Sasaki cleared his throat, putting his hands together in front of his face. "I cannot eat whatever is in that container, because I value my life."

"Huh?! What's that supposed to mean?!"

"It means I've known since middle school that you can't cook or do anything that involves preparing food without either doing something stupid to it or completely ruining it! I've asked myself what I would say when this moment came, and my answer," Sasaki clenched his fist before shooting it above his head. "I WOULD RATHER STARVE THAN EAT YOUR FOOD!"

"SASAKI!" Coach, Hyuuga and a few other second years exclaimed.

"Maybe it's not so ba- WE TOLD YOU TO SLICE THEM!" Hyuuga cried once the container was opened, which revealed whole lemons.

"Mitobe, do you have any?" Izuki asked, and the silent boy nodded, soon revealing a container of sliced lemons.

"Mitobe, I'm so glad you're on our team," Hyuuga praised as everyone dug into the silent boy's container of lemons while Riko was sitting in a shadowy corner, hopefully reflecting on herself.

"Kuroko, don't you want any?" Kagami asked when he noticed that said person wasn't joining in on the huddle around the lemon container.

"No, I'm good," He replied, and Kagami just looked at him for a second as he chewed. Suddenly, Riko spoke up. Must have gotten done reflecting.

"Kuroko-kun, you played the whole first half, so I'm taking you out for a bit," She told him, "you have to replenish your nutrients."

"Please let me keep playing during the second half," Kuroko requested, making Sasaki almost choke on his lemon.

"Kuroko, buddy, my man," He knelt down in front of him. "I told Aomine that we would go at each other during the second half. I can't go full throttle if I'm a point guard who has to think, so can you step out for a bit? Please trust me to be able to win," He pleaded.

"Aomine may be tough without Kuroko," Hyuuga mumbled thoughtfully, "Are you sure about this, Sasaki?"

"Yes. If we fall behind, feel free to have us go back to what we were doing before," Sasaki told them all, and so the matter was settled.

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