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Bakugo walked to the outside extremely angry, this, this is what annoys him the most.

"Kacchan wait!" Deku ran after him.
"I know you're angry but no need to say something like that"

Bakugo stopped and looked at him.
"Are you serious?! Aren't you an omega too?!"

"Yes but..."

"But what?! If you're going to tell me that you can't do anything about it just shut up."

Midoriya looked down.
"I know this subject makes you angry the most but I just told you to not get fired up..."

Katsuki looked at him before turning his back and getting out.

He froze when he saw Todoroki waiting for him outside, leaning against his car, he waved to the blond.

Bakugo turned his face and walked away.

"Bakugo wait" Shoto grabbed his wrist.

"No get the fuck away from me!!"

"I just want to talk to you about something..."

"It can wait until tomorrow!!"

"No it can't..."

"I don't ca-" he got interrupted by Shoto who suddenly hugged him and hid Bakugo with his coat.

"Huh?! Asshole what are you doing?!" He tried to free himself.

"There's paparazzi and i'm pretty sure you don't want other rumors going around"

Bakugo stopped moving.

It felt good to be against Shoto's chest and being in his coat with him anyways.

"Let's go to my car..."

"Wich way is it?"

"To the left..."

Bakugo tried to move.

"No my left"


Shoto chuckled.

"Don't laugh!!""

"Sorry, let's go"
He opened the door of his car and Bakugo went in.

Shoto did the same and sighed. They are not going to be seen in the car because it has tinted glass.

"This is your fault!!"

"You could've just went in the car from the beginning..."

"But I hate you!!"


"Fucker tsk. What did you want to tell me?"

"I'll tell you when we go somewhere else" Shoto started the car.

"Arrogant selfish bossy piece of shit huh..." said Shoto.

"Why did you even watch that bullshit?!"

"It was in the radio..."

"Tsk. And yeah you're an arrogant selfish bossy piece of shit!!"

"Thanks i guess...but it suits you better"


"You still hate alphas..?"

"Yes i still do!!"

"I mean you have a good reason..."

"Of course I do!! What that bastard said is one of the reasons i hate y'all!! So annoying!!"


"And you know what?! You're one of the reasons as well!! Don't act like a good person when you called me a sex toy and that i'm not more than just an omega who tries to imitate Alphas!! I don't care if you were young or some shit like this!! I fucking hate people like you!!"

Shoto tightened his grip around the steering wheel and didn't say anything.

"Yeah shut up that's better." Bakugo crossed his arms and looked at the window.

Katsuki just now realized that he completely forgot about why he hated Shoto so much, he was really making the same mistake twice.

Todoroki stopped the car in an empty place and took a deep breath.
"Bakugo I..."

Katsuki looked at him, waiting.

"I...do you want to go with me to my mother's funeral?"

What? That wasn't what Shoto wanted to say at all!


"Yeah I thought that you can accompany me, to like, you know"

"You brought me here to ask me to come with you to your mom's funeral?"


"Okay? That's why you dressed all in black?"

Shoto nodded.
"Actually i'm going there just to see her grave...there isn't a funeral because apparently her death shouldn't be known in public..." he looked down, of course it's his father who said that.

"Huh?! That's horrible!!"


"Okay i'll go with you"

Guess the apology for what he did in high school have to wait.

He really wanted to apologize and explain to him but what Bakugo said made him change his mind.


This is it for this chapter!

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