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Todoroki raised an eyebrow.

"Shitty hair, Kirishima from high school you know? The guy with red hair"

"Oh...you're still talking to him..?"

"We stayed in contact but i don't talk to him anymore since he went to work in another city" Bakugo said picking up the phone.
"What do you want"

"Oh hi Bakugo! I thought you wouldn't remember me"

"I do unfortunately"

Kirishima chuckled.
"Seems like you didn't change, I returned to Musutafu so I thought that we can meet! After all a lot of things happened these past few years. Where are you?"

"Just in a graveyard chilling"

"Oh my God i'm really sorry, my condolences"

"No i'm just with someone"

"A dead person?"

"He's dead inside so I guess it works too"

"I don't have a clue what you're talking about but let's meet up!"


"Yes! In 30 minutes in the coffee shop where we used to go to study"

Bakugo hung up.

"What does he want..?" Asked him Shoto.

"Not your business, but you're driving me to a certain coffee shop" he smiled, he seemed in a good mood.


Bakugo gave him the address and Todoroki drove him to where he's supposed to meet Kirishima.

They arrived at their destination and Shoto stopped the car.


"Yep! Bye" Bakugo gave him his coat back and opened the door

"Wait" Shoto grabbed his arm


Todoroki hugged Bakugo and released a bit of harmless pheromones.

Bakugo got flustered.
"Huh?! What the fuck?!" He said blushing.

Shoto let go.
"You can go now"

"I have your scent all over me now bastard!!"

"My bad..."

"Ugh fuck you!!" He got out slamming the door behind him.

Todoroki smiled slightly proud of himself for marking his territory. He then drove to his company, he still has work and wasn't supposed to have a rest at all.

Bakugo entered the coffee shop and saw from far away Kirishima's head because of his shitty hairstyle. He approached where he was sitting.

Kirishima noticed Bakugo and looked at him, he blushed then smiled like an idiot.
"Bakugo!" He got up wanting to hug Bakugo.

He then stopped.
"U-uhm...you stink alpha" he was intimidated by this smell.

Bakugo rolled his eyes and sat down. Kirishima did the same.

"How are you?" Asked Kiri

"Good until i saw you"

"Awww so friendly!" 

"Shut up!!"

The red head chuckled.
"I missed you"

"Of course duh"

"You look ten times hotter!"

"I know"

Kirishima put his cheek against his hand.
"You make my heart race Bakubroo~"

"Stop flirting or i'll kill you!!"

"Why would I stop? You're cute"

"No i'm not!!"

"Your alpha is so lucky"

"My alph- Oi i ain't got no alpha!! Stop imagining things!!"

"So you're single?"

"Yes!! Tsk."

"That's a good thing"

"Shitty i swear to God."

Kiri laughed blushing.
"Okay okay~ chill Bakubro"


They continued talking and chatting and drank a coffee together. The conversation didn't end because apparently Kirishima had a lot of things to say, plus he didn't stop flirting.


This is it for this chapter!

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