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They were in the car, Shoto driving because he didn't want to let Bakugo drive and die.

Bakugo was confused and looked constantly outside to try to guess where they were going.

The blond then frowned.
"Why are you getting out of town?"

"I'm not telling you"

"Just fucking tell me!!"

"It will ruin my work..."

"Ugh just shut up" Bakugo looked at the outside with his hand under his chin and sighed. He then felt a hand on his thigh and knew it was Shoto's, who's else? He smiled.

He then felt his eyelids grow heavy so he closed them and fell asleep.

After about an hour Shoto stopped the car and looked at Bakugo relaxed sleeping face. He smiled slightly and stroked his hair. Bakugo frowned and opened his eyes, unlike Shoto who's a heavy sleeper and the only way to wake him up is to fucking hit him, Bakugo is a light sleeper.

"Good morning sleeping beauty..."

Bakugo growled and pushed away Shoto's hand.
"Shut up" he closed his eyes again.

"Lovely...we arrived"

Bakugo quickly opened his eyes and looked outside.
"Huh? The beach?"


Bakugo looked at Shoto confused.
"Why are we here? You're weird, what are you trying to do?"

Shoto chuckled.
"Let's go to the hotel first, shall we?"

Bakugo rolled his eyes.

They both got out of the car and went to the hotel that was in the beach. Bakugo was still extremely confused but he supposed that maybe Shoto was just trying to be romantic and he was actually happy at that thought.

They got in their room and Shoto started taking off his clothes.

"Oi oi what are you doing?!"

"Taking off my clothes...?"

"I see that i'm not blind!! But why?!"

Shoto opened the door from glass where there was a pool behind it.
"To get into the pool...? You don't want to? Oh...it's okay then..."

"Huh?! What no I didn't say that!! It's just...ugh nevermind" Bakugo thought Shoto wanted to do something else, something not very holy and he was kinda disappointed that it wasn't the case.

Shoto raised an eyebrow then shrugged before taking off his clothes. Bakugo tried to not look at his body because no boner was needed now.

"I don't have a swimsuit" Bakugo said.

"I brought you one" Shoto throw him swim shorts.

Bakugo took it.
"You think about everything, annoying"

"I like to do things perfectly, especially when it comes to you Katsuki" he kissed his forehead. "I'll wait for you" he went to the pool.

Bakugo put his hand on his forehead and frowned blushing a little.
"Asshole" he put on the short then joined Shoto.

He got in the pool where Shoto was already. Todoroki grabbed his wrist and forced him to get closer.
"Come here"

"No the fuck?! Let go of me!!"

The alpha wrapped his arms around the omega's waist.
"Just today...please...?"

"Tsk." Bakugo put his arms around Shoto's neck.
"Just today"

Todoroki nodded and kissed his cheek.
"Beurk" let go Bakugo.

Shoto gave him another kiss.
"Ew stop!" Todoroki didn't listen and gave him a lot of kisses in his cheek and neck.

Bakugo laughed.
"Asshole i'll kill you"

"If you crash me with your thighs i won't complain to be honest..."

Bakugo pinched his cheek.
"Shut up weirdo"

"Okay" Shoto went under the water taking Bakugo with him and kissed him on the lips, and just like the first time Shoto did that when they were younger, Bakugo choked and quickly got out of the water.

"What the fuck?!" He coughed.

"It will always be amusing"

"Fuck you!!"

Shoto chuckled. They stayed in the water for a long time then ate lunch and stayed in their room talking or playing card games.


This is it for this chapter!

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