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"So, what does this spider marking on my shoulder do exactly? I've read about it but I don't really know." Stephanie mumbled as she sat in the backroom of the clinic with Deaton as Scott sat in the main room.

Deaton looked up at Stephanie who had a spaghetti strap on, letting her marking show. "That is the symbol for Kanay's. It's your main source of power."

Stephanie nodded as she spun around on his spiny chair. "I read that it can move... Is that true?"

Deaton smiled, stopping what he was doing and turning to face her. "Stephanie. Close your eyes." She quickly obliged and Deaton nodded. "Now imagine the marking crawling down your arm and to the back of your hand."

Stephanie's face scrunched but she did it anyway and after a few seconds, she felt a tingling feeling going down her arm and once the feeling got to her elbow, Deaton smiled. "Open your eyes"

Stephanie opened her eyes, they immediately widened at the marking now at her elbow. She laughed touching the marking.

"What's he doing here?" Scott asked from the waiting area of the clinic. "I need him." Derek said as Scott sighed. "I don't trust him." "Yeah, well, he doesn't trust you either." Isaac's voice was heard and Deaton pointed at Stephanie, motioning for her to stay where she was.

"You know what? And Derek really doesn't care. Now where's the vet? Is he going to help us or not?" Derek screamed and Deaton finally came into the three werewolves view, leaning against the doorway. "That depends. Your friend, Jackson. Are we planning to kill him or save him?"

"Kill him." "Save him." Derek and Scott said at the same time and Deaton turned around to look back at Stephanie who was holding back an eyeroll.

"Save him." Scott screamed before looking back at Deaton. "Save him."

Deaton smiled, getting out of the doorway. "Then come on in."

The three werewolves walked into the backroom where Stephanie sat on Deaton's spiny chair, looking up at the ceiling. She got up at stood across Deaton, Scott and Isaac coming up on either side of her, Derek going on the other side of Isaac.

Scott's brows furrowed as he looked at Stephanie's arm before he poked her spider marking. "Wasn't that on your shoulder?"

His words caught Isaac and Dereks attention but Stephanie kept her gaze on the marking, laughing. "Yeah. Look." She quickly thought about the spider continuing its journey down her arm and its slowly started crawling, making the three werewolves gasp. "Yeah... I don't like that." Isaac mumbled, shaking his head before looking back at the table.

Stephanie watched as Isaac went to reach for one of the herbs on the table and immediately slapped his wrist. Isaac turned to her, his jaw slightly dropped as she looked up at him. "Don't touch."

Isaac nodded, leaning on the table as he looked at Deaton. "So, what are you? Some kind of witch like Steph?"

"No, I'm a veterinarian. And Stephanie is Kanay." Deaton replied and Isaac pursed his lips, nodding as he turned to Stephanie. "Ohhh. Kanay..." He whispered and Stephanie rolled her eyes, pushing his head away from her.

"Unfortunately, I don't see anything here that's going to be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin." Deaton said, shaking his head. "We're open to suggestions." Derek announced and Isaac tilted his head to the side, his curls rubbing against Stephanie's arm. "What about an effective offense?"

"We already tried. I nearly took its head off. And Argent emptied an entire clip into it. The thing just gets back up." Derek muttered, looking down at Isaac before looking back up at Deaton

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