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"And does anyone know where Dr. Hilyard is?" Scott and Stephanie heard Melissa yell through the main area of the hospital as Sabrina groaned. Stephanie cringed at the stressed mothers, leaning towards Scott. "Oh they're cranky, be nice."
Sabrina, hearing her daughters voice, turned her head and immediately smiled at Stephanie, walking towards her as she kissed the side of her head and took the bag of food from her. "Oh, thank god. I'm starving."
"Thank you for bringing dinner." Melissa said, looking back and forth between Scott and Stephanie.
"Is everything okay?" Stephanie asked, referring to his mother yelling a few moments prior. Melissa sighed, leaning on the nurses station. "Except for half the accident victims in a ten car pile-up being rerouted here from downtown, and the E.R. Attending not answering any of his pages..." "Yeah, we're okay." Sabrina finished, taking a bite of her sandwich as she nodded her head.
"What does not answering pages mean?" Scott asked, looking between the two women. Sabrina wiped her mouth quickly as she looked up at Scott. "It means that nobody can find him, so now we have to wait for the on call to get here."
"Excuse me, can I please have something for the pain?" A lady asked, walking up to Melissa and Sabrina. Melissa instantly frowned, shaking her head. "I'm sorry. I know. But, actually, giving you something could complicate things, so we really just need to wait for the doctors. Okay?"
Stephanie and Scott watched as Melissa helped the woman sit down. Stephanie looked up to Scott who immediately knew what she was thinking and took the empty seat next to the woman as Stephanie sat beside Scott.
"Uh, you know, I think that I read online that sometimes human contact can help with pain." Scott mumbled and the girl slowly nodded. Scott rested his hand on the womans and Stephanie watched as his veins turned black and the pain in the woman's face washed away. She quickly turned to Scott and gave him a grateful smile as the hospital doors swung open.
"Someone... Someone help me! Oh, I need help!" Stephanie's eyes went wide at the voice, recognizing it immediately. She whipped her head towards the door and started running to help Ethan hold Danny up.
Sabrina ran over with wide eyes, looking at Danny who couldn't breathe. "Come on. Come on. Let's set him down."
Ethan nodded, he and Stephanie dragging Danny to a seat as Melissa and Scott came over.
"Okay, gentle, gentle, gentle!" Sabrina whispered as she and Melissa kneeled in front of Danny to check on him. Stephanie quickly turned to Ethan glaring at him as she poked a finger at his check. "What did you do to him?"
Ethan raised his hands in surrender, shaking his head. "Nothing. He said he was having chest pains and trouble breathing, but it... it just kept getting worse."
"This is not good." Sabrina mumbled as Melissa looked down the hallway. "How much longer on Dr. Hilyard?"
"His larynx has shifted to the side. I think it's a tension pneumothorax." Sabrina mumbled before Danny vomited, Sabrina and Melissa getting out of the way just before it hit them.