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"Steph! Isaac! Wake up!" Sabrina yelled after coming home from her late shift at work, finding Stephanie and Isaac unconscious on Stephanie's bedroom floor.
As she tried to shake awake the two teens, the door to Stephanie's to room swung open and Allison and her father stood in the doorway, their eyes wide. "Oh my God!" Allison yelled, getting down on her knees beside Sabrina to check on Stephanie and Isaac.
"What are you guys doing here?" Sabrina asked, turning to Allison beside her before looking up at Chris. Allison sighed, running a hand through her hair as she felt Stephanie's forehead for her temperature. "I thought I could be better if I help Steph and Isaac here. When my dad dropped me off we heard you screaming." Chris sighed, getting down beside Sabrina to grab Isaac. "Isaac?"
Allison suddenly gasped, backing away from Stephanie as her eyes flew open, flashing a bright purple, still shaking. "Steph! Oh my God. She's freezing. Dad, she's like ice."
"So is Isaac." Sabrina said, feeling Isaac's forehead as he shook. Chris slowly pushed himself in front of Sabrina, grabbing onto Isaac. "Isaac, look at me. Isaac."
Stephanie suddenly gasped, shooting up as purple shot out of her hands, hitting a picture frame of Stephanie, Scott and Stiles from their first day of middle school. Stephanie let out a small sob and Allison quickly went behind Stephanie, pulling her into her to try and calm her down.
"Isaac, come on. Isaac, listen. You have to turn. You need to trigger it!" Chris yelled before a slap rang through the air. Stephanie's head shot to Chris, watching as he punched Isaac in the face, Isaac having tears in his eyes.
"Oh my God! Chris!" Sabrina yelled as Stephanie shook her head sadly at Isaac before looking up at Chris. "Hey! Stop it! Stop it!" Stephanie yelled, her voice scratching her throat but Chris ignored her, punching Isaac. "Turn! Turn!" Chris yelled, making Stephanie angrier. She quickly pushed her hand out to Chris, using her powers to throw him back a couple of steps as she crawled to Isaac, Allison right after her.
"Isaac!" Stephanie yelled, putting a hand to Isaac's neck as fire grew, burning him, making Isaac shoot up, tears in his eyes.
Stephanie let out a tired breath, shaking slightly and falling back, Allison quickly catching her in her arms, pulling her back in her chest.
"I'm gonna get you two some waters." Sabrina quickly said, shooting off the ground and running to the kitchen. Isaac slowly looked around the room before his eyes fell on Stephanie curled into a ball in Allison's lap. He gave Steph a look, almost asked if she was okay even though he knew neither of them were to good at the moment.
"Did you see them?" Stephanie whispered, shaking slightly in Allison's arms as Allison's dad squatted down to be at the teens height. "Who?"
"They were five of them." Stephanie shook out as Isaac sniffled, making the Argents turn to him. "They wore black. We couldn't... we couldn't see their faces. They were covered."