The Rescue Mission

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Stephanie woke up to the feeling of water entering her lungs

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Stephanie woke up to the feeling of water entering her lungs. She gasped, only making more water go in as she shot out of the water, the same time as Stiles, Scott and Allison.

Stephanie looked around the room the four were in. The whole room was white with a big tree stump about 25 feet away from them. Stephanie looked at the three and they all collectively agreed to walk towards the stump.

They were all still trying to catch their breath as they got closer and closer. Stiles stuck his arm out, stopping Stephanie from getting closer to the stump as Allison stopped, Scott taking slow steps towards it. The three watched as Scott slowly reached to touch the stump and as soon as his fingers grazed over the words, they all gasped.

Stephanie opened her eyes and found herself in the woods, all alone.

"Are we seriously doing this?" An all too familiar voice groaned from behind her. Stephanie turned around and saw sophomore versions of herself, Scott and Stiles.

Scott sighed as he trudged next to Stephanie. "Steph's right. This is crazy." Stiles groaned from ahead of them, throwing his head back slightly. "You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town."

Scott turned to the ground, shaking his head. "I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow." Stephanie immediately grabbed Scott's shoulders, shaking him slightly as she playfully rested her chin on his shoulder. "Aww. Does little Scotty think he's gonna make the team?"

"Shut up." Scott scoffed out, pushing Stephanie's head back, making Stephanie tumble slightly and fall down. The younger Stephanie groaned as she hit the ground as Scott and Stiles kept walking, making her shoot up, trying to run after them. "Hey! Guys, wait up!"

She looked up after wiping the dust off her clothes and noticed the two boys gone, making her groan as she followed their footprints. "Assholes!" She mumbled under her breath.

Stephanie watched her younger self walk away and quickly went to follow after her, not noticing where she was going. She ran into a big tree stump. The Nemeton.


Stephanie shot up from the bathtub, gasping for air as she moved her hair out of her face. The five that were waiting for them to wake up, ran over to them as Scott quickly climbed out of the tub; Stiles, Stephanie and Allison taking longer since they didn't have such high healing factors.

"I saw it. I know where it is." Scott said and Stephanie nodded, shivering slightly. "We passed it."

Stiles let out a shaky hum, nodding. "There's... There's a stump, this huge tree-" "Well, it's not huge anymore. It was cut down." Stephanie interrupted and Stiles exhaled, nodding his head at her. "But it's still big, though, very big."

"It was the night we were looking for the body." Stephanie said, looking in between Stiles and Scott. Stiles nodded, pointing at Scott. "Yeah, the same night you were bit by Peter."

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