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"I just don't get why you're not going." Will said as he lied down on Stephanies bed beside her, both of them looking up at the ceiling at the drawings they had made when they were six and left home alone.
"Dances aren't really my thing. Plus, I don't have a date and I'm not third wheeling." Stephanie shrugged out, making Will laugh, turning his head to look at her. "If not having a date is what you're worried about, I'll just ask one of the guys to take you."
Stephanie instantly let out an unwanted noise and shook her head. "I don't want a pity date from your lacrosse buddies." "It's not a pity date if they've wanted to get in your pants since ninth grade." Will snickered out and Stephanie's jaw instantly dropped, turning her head to face her brother. "You did not just say that."
"What? It's true!" Will yelled, lifting his hands up in surrender when someone knocked on Stephanies door. The siblings looked up and smiled at Scott and Stiles standing in the doorway, Will instantly pointing his thumb at her. "Can't one of you take her to the Winter Formal?" Stephanie groaned, stuffing her face in her pillow. "Scott can't go and Stiles already has a date." She let out and Will raised his eyebrows, turning to face Stiles.
"You got a date? Who?" Stiles smirked at the question, stuffing his hands in his front pockets. "Lydia Martin." Will looked at Stiles for a second before laughing, making Stiles' smile drop. Will noticed that Stiles wasn't laughing along and quickly stopped. "Wait. You're serious?" Stiles nodded his head, his jaw slightly dropped that Will didn't believe him.
"Yes, I am, Will. I don't really understand why you were laughing." Stiles pointed out to the boy who just shrugged. "I'm sorry, man." Will mumbled in a sarcastic apologetic voice. The two had a very similar sense of humor and sarcasm, making them sometimes clash with one another. Will sighed and turned to Stephanie. "Come on, Steph. I'll just get one of the guys to take you. I'll even make sure it's Scott and Stiles approved."
Stephanie looked up at her brother, trying to think of an answer but before she could even open her mouth, Scott started talking. "We kinda already called Lydia. She should be here any minute to go get ready at Allison's."
Stephanies jaw dropped as she turned to look at Scott who immediately winced at her glare. "I'm sorry?" She asked as if she didn't hear him correctly. Stiles walked up to Stephanie, shaking his head. "She brought a dress that she said would apparently match your complexion whatever the hell that means but she should be here soon."
"Or now." Scott said as soon as he finished his sentence, someone honked their horn from out side. Will hopped off the bed and ran towards Stephanies window and his jaw dropped at Lydias car. "Dude, you gotta stop that super hearing shit with me." Will laughed out and Scott sent him an awkward tight lipped smile.
"Okay, well Stephs gotta go. Say 'bye Steph!'" Stiles quickly said, grabbing onto Stephanie's shoulders and pushing her down the stairs and towards Lydias car. Lydia smiled as Stephanie hopped into the passenger seat. "Hey, Steph." Lydia greeted as she started driving to Allison's which was only a few blocks away from the Saticoys. "Hi, Lydia." Stephanie smiled out as she spoke.