Chapter 4~ as it all unravels

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They had all gone to bed late last night as there was lots to talk about.

Molly had made sure they weren't able to get bored as she got them all stuck into jobs around the house.

The house was full of unwelcome creatures and dust so there was lots to do.

They had all worked hard that morning and it was time for food.

Y/N hadn't really spoke properly to the others since last night. Asking occasionally "pass me that will you" or giving one of them the occasional smile nothing much.

Although she comes of confident Y/N found it hard putting herself out there and properly letting her guard down.

Her mother used to tell her when she was a little girl "if you open your door to people their in and no matter how hard you try to push them out they will find a way to snake back in and use it against you"

Y/N's mother hadn't had a very good love life or one at all with that. Tom Riddle was her only lover and she loved him she really did but he couldn't have a half-blood werewolf trailing around after him could he?

He needed to build a reputation and she was just going to bring him down. His death-eaters were to be Pure-bloods and what kind of man would he be if his queen was a half-blood he couldn't have that but it was to late and he was in too deep she was pregnant with his kids.

He thought of poisoning her or maybe even cursing her but he couldn't there was a spot of weakness and he let her live with his babies growing inside of her.

He knew there would be some kind of upside to it a son and a daughter it was perfect and he carried on doing unforgivable things with the blessing of the kids mother until one night the mother of his kids and daughter had gone missing. He searched high and low until he found them werewolves he was in a state of pure anger and he couldn't have it so he took Matteo and left.

Y/N was only was only seven when he left with her brother.

But she grew to understand it but she also grew to hate her father and also her mother for excusing all the things that she watched him do but that soon came to bite her in the back Y/N was out playing with friends even though she lived in a quite isolated area when she was younger there where still a few muggle cottages around with kids but when she came home she heard shouting and screaming she hid round the back of the house so she could get a look through one of the little windows.

She couldn't see very much but what she could see was very frightening. She couldn't quite understand what was going on she could see her mother on the floor and a strange looking man standing over her . She didn't recognise him he was snake like dressed very well in a black suit that seemed to be unharmed from the fight that was going on inside the little cottage and that was it lights out know what the strange looking man had done until he done it.

She just lay there she didn't move or make a noise she wasn't scared anymore it was all over in a flash of light.

The man didn't flinch he didn't even seem upset. He stepped his other leg over her mother's body so his legs where together now took a look at her and sighed. " you were stupid to lie to me" he paused his snake like voice before speaking again " that was one of your many faults" he turned his head and walked back out through the shiny red door and disappeared.

Y/N was in shock she just sat outside that window for what seemed like hours before going into the house.

It was trashed the place had been tipped upside  down pictures where smashed and things had been through all over the place.

Y/N was moving closer and closer to where her mum was lying dead she hoped that she would be up and cleaning up the place or looking for her or getting up to chase however broke in and trashed the place but when she got through her mother was still on the kitchen floor.

She run over to her she was cold and wasn't breathing. She gave her a little shake "come on mum" "come on he's gone now" " you can wake up"

No response.

Tears were falling down her rosey cheeks and onto her mother.

The young girl didn't understand what was going on and what that awful man had done to her mother.

She sat with her for ages before she heard someone open the door again she quickly moved away from beside her mother and hid under the table she was only young (and clearly shit at hiding). A tall old man walked in he had a long silver rope and was walking slowly. Young Y/N was scared maybe someone had come to hurt her or take away her mother.

But it was the exact opposite the old man crouched down so he was level with Y/N she could see his face now his face was covered in wrinkles but he had bright eyes and a long grey beard. Y/N reached her hand out to try to scratch him in the face but he moved back in time.

"Hey,hey no need to worry I'm ok I'm here to come and help you" the man spoke in a mysterious soothing kind of way.

"Your mother is asleep but I'm here to take you to somewhere safe" he continued . Y/N just sat and listened she had calmed down and was beginning to feel safe now. 

The old man helped her get up from under the table and took her to the front of the garden "my names Dumbeldore I'm going to take you to stay with a friend of mine for a while and I think you will like him" Y/N wasn't sure what to say but carried on walking with him. They got to the end of the garden and he spoke once again "your a very special girl Y/N you have no idea"

"Y/n, Y/n it's lunch come on if you don't come through Ron will have ate your share" Fred had tapped her on the shoulder.

She shook her head and looked up at him "will be there in a sec"

"Ok" he walked away.

She had zoned out again she had to stop doing that.






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