Chapter 7~ new girl

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Also not edited but needed to post. ☠️😌👩‍🎤

Y/N's POV~

All eyes moved from Harry to me in a instant which was good for Harry I guess but not so much for me.

I wasn't going to show weakness fuck no she was a Riddle.

She made her way through the middle of the hall and made her way to the front Dumbledore had stood up and walked down beside her.

He spoke and his voice boomed through the hall " today we are welcoming a new student so I would like you all to welcome Y/N Riddle" there were whispers but she ignored it I mean what did she expect.

She sat herself down in a worn wooden stool to get sorted and she felt the large leather hat being placed onto her head.

"Hmmmm pureblood I see, smart, won't step down from a challenge this should be pretty easy"


She heard cheers coming from the far table and made her way over there she looked over to find Fred and smiled he smiled back and gave her a cheeky wink.

She was a tad bit disappointed when she was sorted into Slytherin but what did she expect.

She made her way over and sat down next to a beautiful black haired witch and a tall blonde.

"Hi" the girl said as she sat down.

"My names pansy Parkinson, that Blaise" she pointed across the table he waved and smiled he seemed nice.

"That's Astoria" she pointed to a girl who was deep in conversation with another Slytherin boy.

"The boy she is talking to is called Theo and that's crabbe and Goyle" I smiled and looked back down at the table that was now covered in food.

Wow she has never had never seen anything like this before but before she could tuck in she felt someone whisper in her ear.

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" she had seen him on the train and already knew who he was but she knew he was going to introduce himself again if he got the chance.

So I turned my head back to him and whispered in his ear "and what makes you think I care" I turned my head away but I know that he didn't like that.

I ate my dinner as quickly as I could and left and made my way to the dungeon it was cold but she found her way to the portrait hole she remembered the password "Salazar Slytherin" and the picture swung open.

I made my way in. It was a grand room with a high ceiling everything was dark green or black for obvious reasons.

Then making her way up to the room where her stuff had been dumped there were to other beds hopefully the people she was sharing with weren't too shitty because she couldn't be bothered with that.

She unpacked her things before shoving her case under her bed then collapsing onto her bed.

The bed was pretty comfortable which she was glad about but she wasn't tired maybe a shower would help a warm shower always helped her get to sleep she found her way to the shower bringing her pjs with her .

Turning the shower on and jumping in.

It was super warm and she tilted her head back letting the water go down her neck and down her torso.

It felt great.

She could hear people coming into the room and shuffling around before she heard them leaving again.

They must be going down to the common room she thought before turning the shower off and jumping out she rapped a towel round herself she heard a knock it could be pansy so she got out of the bathroom holding the towel up with one hand.

"Oh uh hi" the voice stuttered she looked up to see who it was.


Malfoy looked down at her now gripping her towel tightly just above her cleavage making sure it wasn't going to fall down.

She wasn't going to give him the pleasure.

She kept it calm "what is it Malfoy" she was being impatient on purpose to act like she didn't care but on the inside she was shitting it.

"Never mind sorry" he turned to go but Y/N grabbed his arm and turned him back around.

"What's up" she asked again she was staring him up and down she was pretty good at this even though she was the one caught in a towel and a towel only.

"Oh I was going to ask why you left but it doesn't matter" he laughed "I can see" that made her blush oh and she was doing so well.

"Right ok so if that's all you came here for then I better be off" slamming the dorm room door shut and putting on her shorts and vest on before lying down onto her bed she had learnt the drying spell for her hair which saved her so much time she could barely live with out of in the summer.

She wasn't seventeen yet so she couldn't use magic outside of school grounds so going to Sirius's house was soooo boring.

She sat herself up in bed and read until the door opened up again and she heard laughing she picked her head up from the book she was reading before shutting it and putting it in the drawer beside her bed.

Pansy and that girl Astoria walked in giggling about something unknown to Y/N.

Pansy stopped and looked at Y/N before smiling "ahh good Y/N's your in with us" the other girl looked at Y/N before introducing herself properly.

"Astoria greengrass" she stuck her hand out for Y/N to shake which she did.

"Y/N" she smiled back before her and pansy both got ready for bed and saying goodnight to one and other.

Maybe it was gonna be better than she thought it would be she closed her eyes she knew she was gonna like it here but she needed to remember what she was here for and never forget it.

And with that she drifted off into a deep sleep.




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