Chapter 12~ long time no see

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Narrators POV~

The day was bright and warm despite the time of year which Riley was grateful for.

She made her way through hogsmeade keeping her head down with her hood covering her long dark hair.

She took her hands out of her cloak pockets and pushed the pub door open making her way into the pub.

Her stomach was swirling with emotions fear, anger and a whole other mix of shit and it made her insides feel like they were twisting together making it hard for her to concentrate.

She sat down at the bar pulling her hood down and pulling her hair out from under it.

"Waiting on someone ?" The barman spoke wiping something up not looking at her whilst he spoke.

"a bit late I guess" spite in her tone making it sound hateful and slightly rude.

"And who would make a lovely lady like you wait alone"

"Not in the mood"

"I see"

It was ten minutes before the person she was waiting for arrived.

"Uh Riley"

She spun herself around slowly looking the figure up and down before slapping him across the face.

People turned around and paused their conversations to see what was going on at the bar.

"Ow dickhead, what the hell" he rubbed his cheek.

The barman had went into the back so to not get himself caught in the cross fires.

"Fuck you man" she pushed him making him stumble slightly.

He Grabbed her arm pulling her outside pulling her into a tight hug she struggled for a bit before she hugged back a tear but she rubbed off onto the tall boys jacket.

"I missed you"

"Yeah ok shut up" she muttered which made him laugh.

"Ugh I hate you man"

"Of course you do"

"Let's go back in then and get a drink"

"You can pay"

"Whatever" he said pulling her back in.

"I'm meant to be in school"

"We both know you don't care about skiving"

"I made the effort"

"What's the saying father like daughter"

"You need to go back to school Jesus"

"I'm a genius"

"In your dreams"

Draco's POV~

"Where's Riley at ?"

She was meant to be in first and second but she didn't turn up.

I knew that she probably told pansy or Astoria but I hadn't turned up to breakfast so I hadn't seen either of them all day.

"Um at the leaky cauldron or something she said she would be back by now"

"Party girl huh" Theo commented.

"No uh I think she was meeting a guy or something don't know who though she didn't say" counting some coins in her hand.

"But she paid you to tell us that she just went to the pub" I wasn't believing a word of it.

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