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A peace within an mantra of chaos
is as distant
as the thought
of you remembering

I do wonder
do you still remember me?
how has life treated you?
Are you getting better and safer?
I have seemed to have lost your memory,
a thought surpassed my mind
that left me urging to write this message.

Should I reach out,

Or at least that's what you loved me calling you
as we ran screaming wickedly and profoundly in my street shouting symphonies and operas
mixed with liquor
and horrible anecdotes
That made sense to the drunkard and the sleepy one only.

How is life treating you,
I wonder
I have not seen you in three years and I sonder and ponder on this cold night
if the bird you believed to be
is free
and wild
like the tiger
I wanted you to be
is he truly flying
above me?

But what can one lost little soul say that can change the fate of life and the way?
You are already gone beneath the ground
and nowhere to be seen like the whisper of our night and your dream

How is life treating you on the other side, sailor?

I have not seen you since the day we burried you together,
beneath the weight of your mistakes, your hopes
and dreams, sailor.

How are you sailor?

Last time we spoke you were breathing and now you are only sezing to breathe and have your heart beat like the Eagle you proudly said you felt like
That you dreamt of and that you went on about, sailor.

Now who will I dance with on my cabaret tonight?
I cannot waltz
if I do not have my sailor who guides me through the ocean
of people

How is life sailor?
Do you still sail?
Even though your boat is not there?
to rock you through the tough
and rough ocean
that engulfs the
lost and

I can only wonder, my sailor.

-A. S. I

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