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When Taehyung knocks on Jeongguk's wooden door, it's with his breath in his throat and his chest heaving. The wolves he met at the border during patrols—those he learned it from—must've noticed that their words of gossip affected him. He just hoped they didn't realize to what extent and for what reason.

Although the Jeon and Min packs do their best to keep their distance from each other, a few of Yoongi's wolves are somewhat friends of Taehyung's after years of running into each other at the border. He isn't sure why they told him, he figures the risk of Yoongi finding out would be too big, but nonetheless, they entrusted him with the information.

Yoongi, with the help of a witch, has bound a god to its human body.

What Taehyung didn't expect was for Jeongguk to act so... uncaring. It takes him a few minutes to convince the alpha of the truth behind his words. Believing in gods isn't uncommon, but it not exactly popular either. Yeah, they're supernatural creatures themselves, but to believe a god is among them is another thing.

Taehyung knows a few wolves that still put their faith in the old gods, the god of the sea, sky, forest, war... if it exists, then there's a god controlling it and people believing it. He's not a hardcore believer himself. Still, Taehyung sometimes finds himself wanting something more to exist.

Despite that, it's not as if he trusts those wolves to a hundred percent, they didn't seem very certain themselves, more like they'd only heard rumors about it. But considering the circumstances, the white wolf with powers so different from their own—powers she seems to somehow have lost and doesn't want to talk about—it has to be true.

When Taehyung's words finally get through to him, Jeongguk surprises him by calmly stating that it doesn't change much. Taehyung argues that, of course, they have to release you. You're a god for god's sake! The fact that Jeongguk had managed to anger you, receiving a promise of a painful death in turn, doesn't seem to bother him.

"In that case, if she really is a god, then it's even more important to make sure we know more about her before releasing her. We can't just release an angry god on our territory."

Taehyung sees the logic in that; he just feels like it would be better to free you and beg for forgiveness at your feet. After all, they'd had reasons to prevent you from passing through their grounds a year earlier and to keep you locked up when you chose not to tell them about yourself. He just prays you can see the logic in that.


With one of the keys Taehyung has gotten as a trusted right-hand man of Jeongguk's, he quickly unlocks the door to the storage cabin. A look over his shoulder later—a very suspicious one if anyone was around to see it—he slips inside and carefully shuts the door behind him.

Never once has he disobeyed his alpha before, and his conscience eats him alive for it, but Jeongguk didn't explicitly order him to do anything. Or, well, not to do anything. That it's due to the trust placed in him only makes it worse. But it's for Jeongguk's own good, Taehyung tries to tell himself. If Jeongguk won't beg for his own life to be spared, then Taehyung will have to do it.

The lingering scent of alpha tells him that Jeongguk has been there very recently, most likely checking up on you. Despite sometimes pretending to be cold to achieve necessary results, Taehyung recognizes Jeongguk to be a very caring person. He suspects that the alpha puts on an act for you; he wants you to reveal who you are to him. And when you decided not to, Jeongguk told Taehyung that he wants to reach out to other packs, starting with Namjoon, before even considering releasing you.

The new information changes Taehyung's view of you completely. He won't lie and say that he's not a little scared to face you now. Regardless of his inner turmoil, his steps through the cabin and down the stairs are confident. Until he sees you.

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