Secret Comfort || Kaku

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Nobody said it in front of you, but you could tell from the way they acted. They saw you as a weak link. The first to fall.
It wasn't as if you were powerless. You had plenty of training, and at one point the fruits born of that ruthless training had shown greatly in your work.

Not anymore.

The change hadn't been sudden. It had  grown gradually, your stability eroding through the years like water on rocks. It had finally come to light that you were done for when you had collapsed during training after using a single Shigan. After that, nothing was the same. In some eyes, you saw disappointment, some held disdain for your weakened form. You couldn't blame them, you had seen it too. All of that collected action you used to portray had left you behind as nothing more but a shell of a memory.
You were curled into the fetal position, sitting on top of the bleak white sheets. You hated it. You hated how unbelievably weak everything had made you. What good was your power if you couldn't even wield it anymore?

Knock knock.

Just great. You let out a silent huff, having hoped that your day-long streak of social abstinence wouldn't break.

"Who is it??"

You asked, shifting slightly to see the door. Of course, the one moment you get peace to grovel in your own self-pity and someone has to interrupt. This grumpy perception is only temporary, however. Your attitude flips as soon as you know who it is.

"Spare some time for a chat?"

Came Kaku's voice. You perked your head up slightly, sitting up before calling back.

"Of course, Kak. Come in."

The door opened quietly, allowing the tall figure to slip inside before noiselessly shutting again. You allowed yourself to smile up at him as his gentle smile found you. If he was in here to see you, it must have meant your absence that day had worried him. You watched as he kneeled at the bedside, his hand ghosting the sheet as he looked over at you.

"How are you feeling today?"

He asked quietly, making you twinge internally. You appreciated his care for you, but you couldn't stand the delicate way you were being treated. Years ago, he looked at you differently. He looked at you like an equal. Now? He always had this look in his eyes when they were on you, they were always so full of pity. You looked away, sighing.

"Same as ever, still useless and mopey."

You stated bluntly. You knew there wasn't a point in lying to him, especially considering he was a living lie detector test. Even so, something like that was somewhat unusual for you to say. His hands immediately took yours in his, a frown clouding his usually cheery face.

"Hey, hey, [Name].. That's not true."

He reassured you, but your eyes still wouldn't meet his. Your hands tightened around his slightly, a sigh escaping your lips.

"Don't lie to me, Kaku. I'm not clueless."

You retorted, chuckling wryly. You didn't mind the pitiful looks, or the silence when you passed. You couldn't bear hearing him like that. Not Kaku. Without warning, the other's arms were around you, hugging you tightly. Your arms hung out awkwardly before you returned the gesture, holding him close. You felt his heartbeat against your chest, the small thrumming the only thing keeping away the silence. You rubbed his back comfortingly, your fingers tracing little circles against his muscles. Unlike the others, Kaku didn't fear showing his heart. You knew him well enough to know no amount of time within this damned system would take that from him. With being an assassin, having a heart was a curse. You hated that too.

"I'm sorry."

He murmured into your shoulder, his cheek resting against it to prevent his nose from being squashed. You let out a small sigh, a little chuckle escaping you. Kaku, that heart really is a curse in this industry. You knew your new setting was impacting him just as hard, and you felt horrible for it.

"Don't apologize for something you didn't do. All we can do now is try to accept the change."

You replied. If only you could practice what you preached, maybe then you wouldn't be clinging to what you once were like a tick on a corpse. Acceptance wasn't going to happen, but you could always pretend. Kaku separated from the hug, searching your expression carefully.

"Is there... Is there anything I can try to get you outta this slump?? At least for now?"

He asked. Immediately, your mind gets an idea. You blush a bit, avoiding his eyes before responding.

"W-Well.. I wouldn't mind holding your hand sometimes. They're soft and warm, I trust them."

You blurted, getting redder by the second. Kaku's reaction left him just as rosy. He fiddled with his hat brim, clearing his throat abashedly.

"S..S-Sure, I think I can manage that.. Especially if it keeps you happy."

He stammered, murmuring the last part. You both sat in a stuffy silence, eye contact being deftly avoided as you processed the request. After some time, Kaku stood back up, hiding his burning face under his hat as he turned on his heel and quickly walked toward the door.

"Well, I gotta vamoose."

"S-See you."

The departure was quick, and it spared the both of you from any more of whatever the absolute hell that had been. Your hand went up to your face, feeling the heat radiate off of it. You couldn't help the small smile forming on your face. Now, you finally had something to look forward to. A small, secret comfort the two of you would have to yourselves. It would be enough to push you through, at least for a little while.


Word Count: 1040

Date Finished: 3/23/21

I feel a little iffy with this one, but it was the type of idea you had to kind of get out before you'd forget. Anyway, Kaku is one of my favorites and I knew it wouldn't be long before I had written him in here! I hope you're all well!


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