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Firstly let's all admire how handsome our little Johnny is :')

As I said English is not my first language so sorry for any grammar and vocabulary mistakes.

Your name is Y/N. You are new in town.You are a girl that comes from New Jersey after her parents got divorced.

Your father is a drunk asshole and your mom works as a nurse. You like playing soccer with your best friend Daniel once in a while and to be honest you're pretty good at it. For a girl as they say.

Danny was your only friend in Jersey. Everyone else literally sucked. Too popular or too weird. In one word you could easily say that you hated your life there.

The fact that you were moving in was like turning a new page in your life and hopefully in all the next chapters you would have Daniel by your side as he moved here yesterday with his mom.

After a long trip you finally arrived at your new house. It was pretty big. It was somewhere at the beginning of a big hill. It was smaller than the one in Jersey but it was fine.

You looked at your knew room. You sighed. Then you went back downstairs to help your mother.

You saw Daniel's bike coming over. You smiled.

-Hey Danny.
-Hey there gorgeous. Wow nice place.
-Yeah thanks. What about yours.
-It's fine.

You watched your mom unpacking. She smiled at the sight of you two. She really loved Daniel. She knew that he was a nice friend to your and that he would never let anyone hurt you.

-Hey Y/N. Listen I met this guy that lives next door and he told me about some party at the beach. Wanna come?
-Yeah sure thanks.
-Ok great. Shall I pick you up at around 6?
-Yes thanks.
You wore a nice black swimming suit. You went downstairs and saw Daniel waiting. You smiled.

The beach was kinda pretty and you could see many teenagers having fun there.

-Y/N that's Freddy.
-Oh hey nice to meet you. you said warmly as you shaked his hand.
-Wow.. hey..

Daniel looked at him in meaning not to try anything. You laughed.

-Y/N wanna play with us?
-Yeah sure.

You played a bit soccer with the boys when the ball went in the direction of some girls having fun sitting in the soft sand. You could see the way Danny was checking at this blonde girl.

She talked to you.

-You play good.
-Thanks. you laughed
-Hey it's Alli with an I. she added with a bright smile.
-Nice to meet you I'm Y/N.
-Wanna stay with us?
-Yes I would like that thanks Alli.

Her friends' names were Susan and Barbara. They were pretty friendly with you. You heard about some school gossips and oh god you hated hearing these but you tried to take that as a benefit as you had no idea how this school would actually be like.

The night has come and you were having fun listening to the pop music playing on the radio. Alli was talking with Daniel as he was showing her some soccer moves with the ball and you could tell that it was pretty weird watching your friend flirting with a girl.

Everything seemed to go just fine. You were relieved that you've found some friends here. Susan was a cool person. She was asking you about New Jersey and how your life was going there. You told her it sucked. She laughed.

Suddenly you heard the sound of motorcycles. You looked at the direction of the noise. You saw five fancy bikes coming over with some guys wearing leather jackets of different colour each.

-Hey Alli I wanna talk to you. the blonde guy said as he put off his helmet.

He was handsome you could admit that deep inside you.  He was tall and mascular and his hair looked soft and beautiful despite the darkness of the night.

-Just leave me alone we've been over all this alright I don't wanna talk.

-Well I wanna talk to you he shouted.

He was attractive as you were starring at him. But he was exactly the type of guys you hated. Rich, good looking and he fucking knew that.

Alli must have made him very angry as she was turning the radio on over and over again as he was turning it off in order to talk to her. She was kinda rude to him to be honest you though.

She got up and took the radio from his hands. She turned it back on. This seemed to piss him off even more as he took the radio and threw it to the ground.

-Did you just break my radio. she yelled.

Daniel saw that. Fuck. You knew he was gonna get involved in this.

-Don't touch it punk. the blonde said pointing to the radio.
-Hey come on man.. Danny's eyes innocently.
-You want this? Yeah? You got this.

The blonde passed him the radio with force and Daniel fell behind. Fuck.

The boy with the red leather jacket hit him as Alli was yelling at him to stop. He seemed to enjoy that. So did his shitty friends.

You couldn't see anymore of this shit.

-Hey asshole that's my friend. you yelled as you came in front of him.

-Yeah? he smirked. I didn't know your little friend needed a babysitter.

-Fuck off leave him alone.

-Or what? he said as he came even closer to you.

His eyes were beautiful and blue. You could see inside them pain and depression. He was clearly trying to hide all these behind his ass behavior.

You had met so many boys like him in New Jersey. You hated all these guys. But this one had something different. You couldn't tell what exactly but you felt a bit pity of him. A bit.

You slapped him angrily.

He touched his cheek and looked at your surprised. Then he laughed.

He was not used to get slapped by anyone. Especially by girls. He liked that a bit as he admired deep inside him your courage.

He pushed you back and a pair of strong hands holded you back.

Daniel punched the blonde.

-Ok man now we're even.
-No mercy man no mercy he whispered.

No mercy. What did that supposed to mean anyways.

He hit Daniel badly. He was now laying on the sand as Alli was screaming to the  tall.

You went to Daniel.

-Shit Daniel you ok?
-Yeah just leave me alone.

He was hurt but his pride was of course much bigger than the pain. Damn it Danny.

You did as he told you but your eyes didn't leave him. You knew how he worked. You knew that he wouldn't want to seem weaker than he already was now in front of Alli. So you just did as he said.

-Shit is he ok? Alli asked
-He will be just give him some time.

She came closer to Daniel. You moved back at Susan and Barbara.

-Who the fuck were these?
-The cobra kais.
-Cobra kais?
-Yes it's a karate dojo in town called like that.
-Oh... That explains much.
-Yeah. That blonde guy... His name is Johnny. He's Alli's ex.

So Johnny it was. You could feel nothing but anger and hate at the sound of his pretty ass name. He dared to hurt Daniel just because he was flirting with his ex. What an asshole.

You were right. He was nothing like the boys you knew. He knew how to beat people up. No mercy. This word was spinning over and over again in your mind that night. That guy was much worse than anyone you have dealt with. 


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