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You saw Barbara and Susan talking in the corner with some others.

-Hey girls.
-Hey they said giggling and staring at some boys playing soccer.

Susan got immediately that something was going on and gestured you to follow her.

-Y/N let's go to the bathroom I need to fix my hair. she said

She grabbed your hand and led you to the girl's bathroom. As soon as you got in she closed the door behind you and looked at you in a expression full of questions.

You rubbed your elbow in nervousness and let out a sigh not being able to find the way to explain.

-We broke up.

Her jaws dropped not believing what she just heard. To be honest you couldn't believe that either..

-Oh my god.. but why?
-He was hurting Daniel again..

She nodded in shock and turned to look at you again.

-Y/N listen.. That's what Johnny is and he can't change.. But just give him a chance. I've never seen you as happy before as you were while dating him..

You knew all those things were right. And the truth was that you were indeed so happy when you two were together. But..

-I can't.. It's over now Sue. I can't just let him hurt my friend. If he cared about me he wouldn't hurt him..

She nodded supportively and pulled you in a tight friendly hug.

-I'm sorry..
-It's fine.. you lied
-Do you know what will make you feel better?

You were so glad that she was trying trying to make you feel better.

-A sleepover.

You chuckled but she was probably right.

-It's not a bad idea to be honest..
-Yeah but we got a tiny problem.

You shook your head waiting for her to tell you.

-Well Barbara's parents are home and my cousins are staying in my place for the weekend. So...
-Oh that's fine we can do it in mine.

She nodded and smiled widely.

-We can tell the other girls too if you want to. you suggested
-Really? I thought you didn't like them.
-I don't but that's ok. The more we are the more fun we'll have.
You and the girls entered the cafeteria. Your eyes got immediately on the cobra kai table.

He was right there sitting with the others and making jokes as if everything was completely fine. As if you hadn't broken up about an hour ago. And there she was too.

Kate was fucking next to him between Johnny and Jimmy.

You felt a great need to cry but thankfully you managed to hold it.

-Just ignore him. Susan whispered

You stayed in the queue to buy some food trying so hard not to look at them. It was hurting your heart the thought that he was with another girl. Especially her.

-What will you get? Aaron asked you out of nowhere.
-Oh hi. Uh I don't know yet. You? you smiled

Johnny's POV
-Oh my god Johnny please stop it you're so funny..

Kate is getting so much in my nerves. Why is she always so fake? The way her laugh sounds makes me want to roll my eyes.

The boys were giving me looks knowing that I was doing all this just to annoy Y/N.

STRIKE HARD / Johnny Lawrence X readerWhere stories live. Discover now