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The hall you were standing in was currently empty, apart from Yaga who was sat in his chair sowing cursed corpses together so that you could train against them. "We're going to be seeing a new student arrive today." He said to you, not even glancing in your direction.

Your father never did, your face apparently reminded him too much of his deceased wife. Despite being his only child he never treated you as if you were his daughter, only his pupil.

Your father was the principal of Tokyo's Jujutsu Tech, and he was very proud of his position. It did mean that he barely ever got to see you and most of the time you trained with his cursed corpses or one of your fellow students, Megumi Fushiguro but recently you had been banned from training with him recently because he had gone on a mission that he apparently failed to complete. You knew you were going to tease him because of that and you could already picture his reaction.

"What's his name sir." You asked him curiously, you tried to keep the excitement in your voice down so that he couldn't notice but it was always a joy for you to meet new students.
"Itadori Yuuji." His reply was blunt but that didn't bother you.
"Will I be fighting him sir?" You asked, never daring to even call him dad.
"If I don't like his response to my questions then yes, I will require you to fight him." He spoke in a monotonous voice. You nodded and slowly walked back a little so that you were hidden in the shadow by his chair. He flinched when you neared him but you brushed off the feeling of sadness that you had gotten so used to over the years.

Suddenly your attention snapped to the front door that opened with a loud creak, it was one of your favourite Sensei's Gojo Satoru, who you had secretly had a crush on for years but never actually realised it had been a crush until recently, stepped in with a boy beside him. He looked about your age and had a cheesy grin on his face, his hair was ruffled and messy and had the same scar on both sides of his face underneath his eyes. You kept your face as cold as ice when you saw him because you had been taught that showing emotions was a weakness.

Your father and him started talking and then Yaga asked the crucial question, why would he want to join Jujutsu Tech, when you heard Yuuji's answer you could already tell your father wasn't going to be impressed- with his first reply he shook his head and asked what he meant on a deeper level to which Itadori replied that he wanted to help people as a dying wish from someone else, and just as you had predicted, the principal wasn't satisfied and told you to go and attack this boy. You nodded and did as he said. Your tactic had to be quick and efficient, all you had to actually do was land a few hits on him so that he'd spit out the real reason he wanted to join. As you sped through the pillars you glanced quickly at Gojo, just to see a cheeky smile placed on his dumb face. He had his blindfold on- which made his hair all stick up and go pointy, it almost made you laugh.

"Where did you come from-" Itadori cried before your fist made contact with what you thought was his stomach but realised just before you had hit him he had put his bag in the way, nevertheless it sent him flying across the room and slam into one of the pillars that sustained the roof. Cracking your knuckles you got ready to land another attack but before you could run towards him you noticed he was gone, but you could feel his presence behind you so you quickly spun around and roundhouse kicked him so that he went flying once again. Meanwhile your father was explaining to him the unpleasantries of the job and the weight that came with being a Jujutsu sorcerer, he continues furthermore to say that sorcerers must be a highly motivated and a little crazy. He was right, it was not something that could be done just because someone else told them to do it.
"Look man, it wasn't just 'someone else'" Yuuji cried out, beginning to run towards you at full speed, "It was a family members dying wish!" That statement resonated with you but you quickly ducked out the way and avoided his right hook of a punch. You then sprung into action and jumped round from pillar to pillar, quickly turning off all the candles so that Itadori was at a disadvantage. You saw the boy beneath you flickering his eyes in every direction, trying to find where you had gone. But before he could prepare himself you flew down and landed a punch straight to his jaw that made him zoom back and hit yet another pillar.
"A Jujutsu sorcerer is constantly facing death," The principal replied, lighting a candle so there could be at least some light in the hall, "It's not easy to imagine how you'll feel on the verge of death," I listened to my fathers words whilst readying myself up to land another hit on the poor boy in front of me, "Why have you come here to Jujutsu Tech?" Him saying those words again made you flicker up my eyes so that you were looking up at him, on instinct he looked in another direction, even though you couldn't see it because he had his glasses on. His voice echoed throughout the room, your head snapped in your fathers direction, distracting you for a nano-second, but that was all Yuuji needed to grab you and restrain you.

"I don't know how I'll feel when I'm dying," You started thrashing around, your hair that you had tied up in a ponytail was whipping backwards and forwards with the sheer force of you trying to escape from his grip, but he was surprisingly stronger than what you had given him credit for, "But I don't want to regret the way I lived!" He said strongly with such confidence that you almost stopped fighting back.

"You pass, welcome to Jujutsu Tech." Your father said, with the most warmth you'd heard in years. You felt a pang of jealousy in your chest, why couldn't he talk to you in that tone. Something else was distracting you though.

To your surprise you saw Yuuji's eyes widen and a smile broke out on his features, and as a chain reaction his grip on you weakened- allowing you to free yourself and punch him on the head. "Ow!" He cried out, holding his head in pain. You clenched your jaw, walked out of the room and went back to your dorm quietly.

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