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"Hey you, go fetch my things." Nobara said to Itadori as you were all walking back towards the train station, you had safely dropped off the poor child that had been stuck inside the abandoned building. 
"Huh? Why should I? I thought we were even." Itadori replied, walking just a bit behind her but keeping your same pace so that you were walking side by side. You'd also noticed that every now and then he would look in your direction, as if he were trying to get your attention, you never looked back at him though- just acknowledged his presence and carried on walking. 
"We won thanks to my cursed energy, got a problem with that?" She snapped back, proudly. 
"What about my raw strength." 
"Your monstrous power from eating weird shit?" She replied sassily, you almost burst out laughing but suppressed it to just a little snort. 
"It's not just that! Right Fushiguro?" Itadori said, quickly glancing your way as if he were giving you a smile before turning around to face Megumi, who was walking behind you at a slower pace. "Huh? What's the matter Fushiguro?" 
"Nothing." Megumi replied quickly. You knew what was up though and you turned around, not realising you were smiling while you replied. 
"He's pouting because he didn't get to join in." 

You didn't realise it yourself, but everyone else did, the way you were glowing happily as you spoke. A sight that Megumi and Gojo hadn't seen in years. Itadori on the other hand felt as if he were basking in pure sunlight, it was the first time that he'd seen you smile like that and for some reason he wanted to see you smile more. 

"What a child." Nobara giggled, you turned back around and chuckled, you didn't realise how happy you were until she smiled back at you. Megumi on the other hand let out an annoyed grunt which made you chuckle as well as everyone else. Itadori then let out a laugh that caught your attention, it was so pure and such a sweet sound. A blush rose to your cheeks when you heard it so you quickly turned your head down so that no one else would notice, except for the Nobara-who had. She sent you a cheeky smirk then she too turned back around and continued looking forward. 

When you finally got back to the locker and Nobara had retrieved her things, her and Yuuji played a game of rock, paper, scissors to see who would choose where we went to eat. "Itadori, I'm going with paper." Nobara said with a nasty glare, but just as expected she lied and actually went with rock, completely fooling Itadori who had gone with Scissors. She let out a happy sort of noise. 

"Sushi huh? Guess we can go to the usual place in Ginza." Gojo said, looking down at his phone. You were standing next to Megumi, watching the two idiots in front of you bicker. You would never admit it but it was actually quite entertaining. 
"Ginza, yahoooo!" Nobara said spinning around on her toes. 
"I want revolving sushi." Itadori said with a completely convinced look on his face, Nobara suddenly snarled. 
"Ugh! Itadori you're such a...Ugh! (Y/n)! Fushiguro! Say something to him!"
"I'd rather get something that tastes good if we're going, plus Gojo-sensei is paying." Megumi said with a completely straight face. 
"Yeah I'd rather not get revolving sushi." You added unimpressed with Itadori's suggestion.
"Revolving sushi is it's own thing, just like how Yakisoba and instant Yakisoba are different things!" Yuuji was desperately trying to convince us, but none of us were even thinking about getting revolving sushi. 
"And I want to eat Sushi." Nobara said, drooping. 
"Sushi's just a meal but Revolving Sushi is a leisure activity! Like a theme park, or TDL! "

Megumi let out a yawn that seemed to be contagious because before you knew it you were yawning as well, meantime Gojo was completely focused on his phone to even acknowledge their bickering.  

"Also Kugisaki, you said you were from the countryside too! So have you ever been to a revolving sushi place?" Itadori was pulling out every excuse, but Nobara just stood there with her arms crossed over her chest sending her dirty glares in his direction. 
"My favourite is Sushi GO, but I'd go with Splendid Sushi for someones first time." Gojo said finally, interrupting their useless bickering. You peered up at him and noticed he had his hand on his chin in a pensive sort of manner. 
"You get it sensei." Itadori said, sliding by his sensei with sneaky eyes. 
"Hey, no one said we're going yet." Nobara intervened with angry eyes. 
"Yeah I'd rather not go to Splendid Sushi if you don't mind Sensei." You added, Gojo turned his head in your direction and put a hand on his lips as if telling you to be quiet, you huffed and closed your mouth not saying another word. 
"Kugisaki," Itadori said in now a completely serious tone of voice, I couldn't believe what was going on before my eyes, it was like he was talking to a curse or something, "Listen closely, At splendid Sushi...the sushi comes to you on a bullet train." he had lifted up his finger whilst he was talking with a completely serious face. 
"wha-" She looked completely shocked like that, as if she were imagining an actual bullet train. You couldn't believe he had actually convinced her just like that. 

Suddenly you all found yourselves in a Taxi with Yuuji shouting to the driver, "Driver! This girl's never had revolving sushi before! Take us to the Splendid Sushi with the huge-ass parking lot along the interstate!" He was being awfully loud and almost standing up in the car. 
"Would you sit down!" You cried at him, tugging at his shirt for him to sit back down. He did as you said and sat back down in the chair, the driver muttering something about him having to lower his voice. 


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