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It was raining lightly and you were slightly cold but that didn't phase you as you stood outside the juvenile detention centre, Kiyotaka ijichi, the assistant manager was explaining why we were here and what we were here to do. You were standing next to Itadori, since somehow he had always found a way to somehow end up standing next to you- one time he even moved Megumi out of the way to stand next to you, it was odd but you couldn't say you didn't like it. 

"Our window verified the cursed womb three hours ago." Mr Kiyotaka said, with a low serious voice. He was usually a very nervous kind of guy but right now he was dead serious, his head was turned towards the Juvenile centre so you couldn't see what type of face he was pulling of if he was scared or not. "Once 90 percent were successfully evacuated, they made the call to seal off the centre. Citizens within a 500- meter radius have been evacuated as well."
"Ijichi-san, question." Itadori spoke next to you, his tone of voice was also completely serious. You had to all be on your best behaviour today, well that mostly applied to Nobara and Yuuji but surprisingly they hadn't bickered all morning. Even when you and Yuuji ate breakfast, which was becoming a daily occurrence, usually he would speak but today he was deathly silent. "What's a 'window' here?"
"A window is a member of Jujutsu tech who can see curses. They aren't sorcerers though." Kiyotaka explained calmly. 
"Oh, okay." Yuuji replied with a thoughtful tone of voice. 

"Let's continue. Detainee block 2." The assistant manager began speaking again and telling us everything we needed to know, "At present five detainees remain there with the curse womb-"
"What!" You interrupted, everyone turned to face you instantly, but you just kept the shocked expression plastered on your face, you almost instantly knew that everyone in there was probably dead. 
"Miss Masamichi, please remain calm and let me continue." You nodded and he carried on as if you had not just spoken. "If this cursed womb is the type that metamorphoses, we predict it will become a special-grade cursed spirit." Your body froze when you heard those words.

Special-Grade... You knew that being a Jujutsu sorcerer you would obviously have to eventually fight them but it just brought back such traumatic memories that you were not sure you were ready to face one yet. You prayed that that's not what was in there. 

Moreover, none of you were prepared to fight one, even if you tried, and using your cursed technique was not an option, that's why you currently had a cursed tool, similar to the one yuuji had the other day, on your belt. 

"Hey.. so I still don't really understand what "special-grade" means." Itadori said in a kind of dumb voice, he really did sound like a potato sometimes. Megumi, Nobara and you let out a sigh and Megumi bowed his head a little in disappointment, while Nobara looked at him with disgusted eyes. You knew that he wasn't that informed so you patted him a little on the shoulder for support. His eyes flickered in your direction and when you realised that you had actually made physical contact with him you retracted you hand instantly. You had never actually touched him, let alone pat his back. You broke the eye contact and stuffed your hands in your pockets uncomfortably. Megumi noticed though, he knew you weren't the type to have much physical contact with others and he felt a sort of turmoil in his stomach. The only time you'd actually touched him in any sort of way was when you were younger and he had cried because of something he couldn't remember, but he remembered the warm hug you gave him that night and the way you stayed with him until he fell asleep. 

Megumi wondered what was so special about Itadori, was it the way he acted- did (Y/n) like that he was dumb, did she find that funny? He had so many questions that he planned to ask her once this was all over. 

The assistant manager then proceeded to explain what special-grade spirits were in the most simplest way possible, so even Itadori could understand. Once he had finished you saw itadori's face fall. "That's bad!" He said, with a shocked expression plastered on his features. 
"Normally a jujutsu sorcerer on par with the cursed spirit would take the mission-" You added, watching him turn to face you. 
"On a day like today, that would be Gojo-sensei." Megumi finished off your sentence and you nodded. 
"I- s-see." Yuuji stuttered, a bit taken aback, "So where is Gojo-sensei?" He asked, placing his hands behind his back. 
"Away on business." 
"He's not someone who should be loafing around  the school anyways."
"Unfortunately we're always short-handed in this business, you'll often have to undertake missions beyond your power. The current case, is an abnormal one, and most urgent. Do not fight under any circumstances." The last sentence clearly annoyed Yuuji, who was always riling for a fight. 

"If you encounter a special-grade, you have two options...run or die."  Mr Kiyotaka said, pushing his glasses up his nose so that he could see better out of them. Everyone was taken back by what he had just said, but you were stoic. You couldn't let anyone see how truly scared you were, yet Yuuji, when he looked down at you saw the glimmer of fear in the way your pupils expanded every time Mr Kiyotaka said special-grade. "Please just listen to your fears." The assistant manager looked at you when he said that, as if he were directly speaking to you. You began nibbling on your lip and without thinking started picking at your nails. "Do not forget that your mission here is strictly the verification and rescue of survivors-" 

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