Chapter 39

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The Diary
Chapter 39

Months passed since I become friends with the guys. Honestly I couldn't be happier. Everything changed and finally I was being happy again.

We are currently sitting down, on that cliff were I first went out with the guys. I am sitting alone looking down at the others who are lying on the ground. Usual positions. I get up here to have some time on my own, to wonder or just think about things, life. And to just enjoy the amazing view.

My gaze landed on Imogen and Calum. I smiled at the scene in front of me. There so cute together. Sometimes I just wonder, after Niall, if I could find someone who loves me.


After that encounter I had with Imogen, I had to think of how I am going to get them together. Ashton knows about it and is trying to help me. Imogen is trying to show signs to Calum but he's not noticing.

After a few weeks, we are at Ashton's talking. I didn't think it worked or something with Calum and the girl. But he was talking about someone that he liked and thought was cute. And it wasn't Imogen's luck.

She went out of the room and I knew exactly what happened to her. "You can't keep doing this" "Hannah" "Just go and tell him". After she settled down we entered the room.

"Imogen what happened to you? Are you all right?" "No Calum I'm not" "Why? Come here" He said as opened his arms and went to hug her. "Calum can't you see it?" "What? Imogen tell me?" "Calum… I like you"

"What?" he said in a low tone "Yeah, It's been a while now" "Oh" "Why didn't you tell me?" "I was shy and you were always mentioning a girl and I don't know, maybe I was scared that you wouldn't be friends with me any more"

"I would never do that. So you like me huh" She laughed and punched his arm. "Well I see you as a friend, Imogen" she kept looking at him but I knew she was getting a bit sad at this. "But maybe by time I could love you, I'm willing to try"

She looked at him, surprise, happiness and everything on her face. I knew she wasn't believing what she was hearing. "Is that ok with you?" "Yeah,it is" They hugged each other and that leads to now.


I remembered the memory as the smile crept on my face. I heard someone making his way toward me. I looked to my side to see Ashton, sitting down.

"Hey" "Hey" We continued talking for a bit. Me and Ashton grew closer together. It's amazing to have a friend like him. It's like an angel from haven have been sent to roam the earth. And ended up healing a broken heart, even mind I think. Putting the pieces together, and …… he's doing a really good job at it.


Heyyyy guysss How are ya?? Thanks for readingg HELLOOO to the new readers and thanks for all of thise who voted and read and commented.
Comment your thoughts and what do you think is going to happen.  folliw if you like and do we have any SPN fans out there, if so comment  :)  Hope you enjoyed this Chapter. see ya soon


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