Chapter 35

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The Diary
Chapter 35

Currently in Maths, copying some notes from the board. Great thing is that I'm not alone, I have Michael. He sat in the desk next to mine. I got out my glasses so I can begin. As I was copying I felt Michael looking at me.

I turned to him, giving him a small smile. In return his mouth hung an 'o' shape. I laughed at this when the teacher gave me a look and I continued writing not wanting to get in trouble. Me and Michael still giggling.

I saw him ruffling in his bag getting a paper out. "You have glasses?" I nodded. "There so cute on you ^-^". I also got a paper out so I could talk to him. "Bhaha ok…thanks" "Uhh can't wait to get out of here" I just nodded.

"*The agony*" He wrote on a paper pulling his face. I couldn't control my laughter. So I placed my hand on my mouth not trying to make a noise. "Michael!" we heard. I think the teacher saw him. We jumped at the sudden yelling and Michael looked to the teacher's side.

"He-y-y Miss, How's it going?" He asked her. I continued writing and looking at Michael. "What are you doing?" "Mhm copying" he said to her in a cool way. "Mhm right. Show me?" she asked him. He showed the paper he was writing on. "Mr. Clifford, writing only the title isn't the whole note." "I was doing it" "Fine, fine I don't know what to do with you any more, I did my job, now it's up to you" She begun rambling going to the front of the class again.

"I was writing then you opened your mouth" Michael said under his breath. I laughed and he looked at me. "What was that Clifford?" " Nothing, nothing. I'm writing" "You know you've been having this kind of behaviour since you came here" He begun mouthing her too saying the exact same word.

"I know Miss. Forgive me" He continued with teasing her. The bell finally rang. We all packed our bags and moved out. "Ya'll people should thank me" he said in the corridor, signalling the students in our Math class. "She was so busy she forgot to give us homework!" His voice begun getting louder.

The others begun high-fiving each other. "Finally it's over" he said we begun making our way to the group."I couldn't last another minute in there" We saw the others and made our way to them.

Imogen got up and ran towards me. Hands open, hugging me."Hannah!" "Hi" We made our way to the guys and sat down.  After some time, Calum got up and begun dancing really badly while Michael played some songs from his phone. Everybody was laughing. Imogen begun looking at Calum and laughing differently. 

"Hannah tonight we're going out, so wanna come?" Michael asked me. "I-" "Of course she'll come" Calum said. I just looked at them. "Great" Michael said putting his hands together. I saw Luke glaring at me. "Um..guys tonight I can't sorry" "Oh're coming, even if it means pulling you or putting cuffs on." Michael said, sitting next to me. 

"Ok". We continued talking. Good thing is we had the last two periods free so we sat outside. After sometime, I heard a truck pull up next to us. I looked up, the guys doing the same. Michael sat up heading towards it yelling a "Hey!" Arms open wide.

A guy got out of the vehicle, and hugged Michael, then making his way towards us. He sat down in front of me. I didn't look at him but I could sense he was looking at me. Imogen nudged my shoulder, and I looked at her. She did that eyebrow thing that she does and I just looked at her. 

"It's him" she whispered in my ear. "Who?" "Hey Ash that's Hannah" Michael said. I looked at Michael's direction. I saw the new guy giving me a small smile, me giving him one back. The other just talked me sitting there.

The guys got bored after a while so they decided that we should go somewhere. We got up and begun making our way to the truck. The others were so ahead of me and I was still walking. "Hey" I heard from next to me.

"Oh.." I said realising it was the new guy. "Hi" I said to him. "So um.. Welcome to the group" "Oh um Thanks" He nodded giving me a smile. "I'm Ashton" he said pulling his hand out. "Hannah" I said shaking his hand. "So you're new friend of the guys?" "I guess so." "Oh..." He said and I looked at him. "You're shy" he said giving me a side kind of hug. Okay.....

"Well don't be scared to talk to me." he said sincerely. I nodded giving him a smile. We got in next to the others. "Everyone ok?" The new guy, Ashton said. "Yep" the others said. In no time we were on the road. Some old songs begun playing. I was sitting next to Ashton in his truck and the others were on the back. 

My window was open and the wind was pushing my hair back. With the nice music, and the wind, it was a peaceful ride. I looked at my right seeing Ashton giving me small glances. "Hey" I said to him. He smiled at me. "Enjoying the ride?" "Yeah...I- I needed something like this" "Well it's good to know that I helped" I just laughed at his comment, him doing the same.

                              Yeah maybe he did help.


Heyyy Guys so Happy Christmass :D Hope u enjoy it and have fun reading :P  lol Have fun in your hoildays or christmad vacation :P hope you enjoyed it, thanks for everything guys. 

Btw PLS PLS PLSSS Guys can you read my new story, it will make me very happy and I think I will also update tomorrow. PLs read it it's about Ashton but it's different :) its called 

                         6:56PM ~~~~ just go on my account you'll find it there. Thanks for all of those you gonna read it .

Ok so this Chapter goes to dxmnxirwinx  cause she always votes and Comments :D 

Bye guys vote and comment 

~ AwesomeCC

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