Chapter 17

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The Diary

Chapter 17


                 I woke up and opened my laptop to see what was going on the group page. It loaded shortly. I saw that they had posted so I clicked on the link.

   Hey, guys, so for the camping trip I told you about, it's gonna be 2 days from today and we are going there for a week end. On Friday we leave at 4 so there is still light to set up the tents and stuff. So I'm going to pick you guys up and yeah, here going to have fun :) . From Zack.

I forgot about the camping trip. Well might as well go if everybody's going. I entered that I was going and after a few minutes on my laptop I shut it down. I went downstairs to eat something.

I got up to my room and I was bored. I begun thinking that I better pack for the camping trip cause it's only 1 day away. I opened the bag and begun to place some shorts in there and some crop tops.

Pyjamas for night and my sleeping stuff you take with you. I didn't out a sleeping bag cause I don't like those so I placed a pillow and a sheet so I could cover my self if I got cold.

Everything was done but I forgot to pack some food with me. Everything was done and I sat on the bed. This is going to be a fun camping trip.


Friday was finally here and I was already placing my stuff in Zack's car. “Hey dude, how you doing?” “Good, Good”. What why was Niall here? “So put everything in the trunk yeah and we'll get going”

“Why was Niall here?” “He's coming with us I think” “He's what?” “Hey why aren't you happy, you like Niall don't you” “Well..” “Come on guys we're going get in” Zack instructed.

We got in and got going. After that long drive we finally arrived and begun walking to find a place were we could camp. “Ok guys this is a good place, if you go down that passage you'll find the lake. At night we're gonna go there”

“So let's begun”. Everybody went in groups and begun to open the tents. I saw Niall glaring at me when I begun to put the metal thing in the tent. What's he's deal? I continued with Lana, Ally and the others.

We were finally done and we placed our stuff in there. “Ok how are we going to sleep?” Ally questioned. “Um.. I don't know.” “I'm with Hannah” Ally said as she came next to me grabbing my hand.

“Um ok so... were seven 3 in a tent and then 4. So Ally, Hannah, Logan and Connor so we don't leave you alone Logan, and the other's in an other tent” “Ok” everybody said.

Shortly the boys went to find some fire wood so we could burn at night. It's was already getting dark do me and the girls put on the swimsuit for the lake. I heard the boys talking and they had returned.

I heard the wood drop down on the forest floor. “Hey” I said as I got out. “Hey Hannah you ok?” “Yeah” “Um tell the others that were going to the lake. “Ok see you there then”

The Diary~ N.H~L.H~A.I PunkWhere stories live. Discover now