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I Shall Say It Once.

You all are idiots if you think all the characters are mine.

They belong to the one and only...Rick Riordan Jr.!

So. Don't get silly ideas like 'I'm gonna report him'. Oh no, siree. This is fanfiction. Treat it as such. I may insert my own characters, but mostly, no.

SPOILER ALERT: Percy's dead.

Percy: WAAH! You killed me! What about my life with my Wise Girl! My parents!

Me: ( Sinister voice used in anime ) Sure you wanna know? It's gonna be painful, but no turning back!

Percy: Wha-(Gets flushed away by the author into the story)

Me: Muahahahaha!

By the way, guys, I'll update when I can, but don't expect too much. I am  in grade 11, after all. Also, any gruesome scenes are not my fault. My mood might vary when I write the story. Blame it on puberty.

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