The New Soul

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Sam POV 

Samirah Al-Abbas. That's my name.

But if you call me that, I'll kill you with my axe.

So, call me Sam.

My day had been pretty much okay, but from yesterday, there have been night-shifts introduced for valkyries, because apparently, 'People could die honorable deaths even during the night, so we must send out valkyries even at night.' I agreed with him, but at least give me some time to recover. We had just locked my father Loki in a nut successfully. Let us catch a break. Don't assign me to night shifts that quickly.

I sighed as I hovered around on my flying horse. Valkyries never stuck with one horse, they always just saddled a random horse. Suddenly, my horse whinnied and started pulling on its reins, changing my direction and ran at its maximum speed. Pretty soon, we found ourselves circling Long Island in New York.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked it. The horses were enchanted by Odin himself to be able to sense death.

It whinnied, and nodded its head, almost like it were pointing downwards. It then shot towards the ground, with me holding on to the reins for dear life.

Suddenly, I felt as if we passed a barrier. A battle ensued below me, hidden to the outside world. I watched as a hurricane seemed to slice people - no, on closer look, they were monsters, though she couldn't recognize them - and there were little lightning strikes and eruptions of fire randomly throughout the battlefield. I saw a few buildings burning, when suddenly a sixty foot tall wave crashed into them, dousing the flames.

Then, the hurricane dissipated, and I had a good look at the person at its center. He seemed to sway on the spot, slowly looking down at his back. He slowly fell over, and I found green poison covering his entire back. I quickly checked his life force, and found it dwindling. I think I'd better take him, I haven't seen someone fight like that ever in my life. I activated my invisibility, and went down and took his soul, which woke up immediately. He looked at me holding his hand, the horse I was riding, and the mist around him in the Ginnungagap, and seemed to decide to go along with the flow.

"Well, I'm assuming you are a valkyrie, here to take me to Valhalla?" he asked. I was surprised at his cool-headedness.

"Yes, that's correct."

"I assume we would have time for introductions later, so do you mind if I randomly tried a few things?"

"As long as they don't jeopardize us."

He nodded, then spotted my hijab. His eyes widened for a moment, but apparently he decided something since he shook his head almost immediately.

About a minute later, we arrived in the halls of Valhalla. I dropped him off in the garden, and left to stable my horse.

Percy POV

As I stood in the garden, I took in my surroundings. I was standing in the entry courtyard of an opulent town house, eight storeys of imposing white limestone and grey marble jutting into the winter sky. The double front doors were dark heavy wood bound with iron. In the center of each was a life-size wolf's-head door knocker. A fifteen-foot-tall white limestone wall surrounded the courtyard. In one corner of the courtyard stood a tall birch tree with pure white bark. Then I realized the tree was in full leaf, which shouldn't have been possible in the winter. Not only that: its leaves glittered gold as if someone had painted them with twenty-four-carat gilt. The inscriptions were in two languages. One was Norse. The other was English :

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