Devastating Demon

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Percy POV

Yet more nightmares. Seriously, can't I catch a break for once, you blasted Fates!

At least they weren't demigod dreams, only regular PTSD nightmares.

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door.

I saw a note on my doormat.

Hi, neighbor.

Join us in lounge 19 for breakfast. Down the hall to the left. Bring your weapons and armor.

I sighed, and pressed the bronze bead on my necklace. It transformed into my armor. How I had forgotten to do that during the Attack on the Camp, I don't know. I reached into my pocket and uncapped Riptide. I sighed as I felt the familiar sword in my hand. I twisted the ring on my hand and thought about a sword. It turned into a sword. The armor-bead had been a gift from Tyson to me. It was made of Atlantean Steel, and was on par with other metals, but was very rarely used since it was only found underwater and Dad never let anyone mine it other than the Cyclopes in the Forges and Mermen, and now Briares. I stalked out of my room to go to the lounge, after I had turned all my gear back into their original forms. I had figured out that Riptide, too, could be whatever form you wanted it to be. Right now, I turned it into a watch.

I slowly stalked into the lounge. I saw all of the people near Magnus and recognized them either from the description he had given me or by seeing them in person.

"Hello, everyone. Good to see you again, Magnus, Alex."

"Good to see you again, Perce," Alex grinned.

"Wait, you know him?" Halfborn asked, apparently surprised.

"He's my cousin's boyfriend. You know, the one who was teaching me about handling ships."

"Not anymore," I said.

"Huh? Why not?!"

I shrugged. "Apparently, she hates me."

"She was probably kidding."

"She looked pretty angry. And it was no atmosphere for jokes; we were all dead tired. And I died soon."

"She probably was angry with you for something, and said it, expecting you to run after her for a week or two, apologizing," Alex intoned.

"Whatever." I slumped down into my seat. I filled my plate with blue pancakes, and poured a lot of syrup on them.

"Dude, they're drowning," TJ warned.

I scoffed a pancake and then scoffed at him. "My pancakes can't drown. Just like me." And continued scoffing down my pancakes.

"Huh. Anyways, all of you ready? Percy, where's your armor? And your weapons?" Mallory asked.

"You'll know soon."

"Hmm." She sounded a little disbelieving. Not like I cared much. I was busy being gloomy.

As I finished my last pancake, a horn blasted. I was immediately on guard, both hands on my weapons.

"Whoa, whoa, easy there," Halfborn (I first typed it as Halfbarn by mistake XD) soothed. Something I had deemed impossible when I had heard of him. "It's just battle time,free-for-all on Tuesday. Good to know we've got a powerful new addition who knows his stuff."

Alex snorted. "Believe me, he's beyond powerful. He's inhuman."

I tilted my head innocently. "But I'm not human."

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