The End of the World - of Pantheons

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P   E   R   C   Y

So. Hello there. I forgot what I was doing.

Oh. Wait. I remembered. I was... actually, my brain short circuited.

Well, it might make sense to you if I started here:

I was walking back to my room today too, after training in archery. My teacher and crush, the legendary archer, Zoe Nightshade (don't tell her I had it for a long time, I just didn't realize it until my feelings for Annabeth had basically been demolished) walked beside me, her hand in mine. She probably didn't know how giddy it made me. I felt a bit disappointed as she took it out of my grip to casually castrate a passing einherjar who made a comment about how good she looked. (I'm not telling, there may be kids here.) She took it again, though, which made my thoughts race. I quelled those... ungodly thoughts by reminding myself she was a hunter and man-hater. I noticed her face flush., though, so it made my heart flutter even more. She looked amazing. I reminded myself it could be because of the distance we just ran while facing off each other, but found it hard to believe.

For the past three months, I spent my time here. Training to use my godly powers as much as I could without my body adjusted to the power yet. My blood was yet to turn gold.

Recently though, Magnus had been acting weird, especially when the topic of his cousin was brought up, or when he saw Zoe and I together. Alex, too. But I shrugged it off. They here both weird.

Today's date was an amazing one. August 18th. My birthday. I hadn't told anyone, though.

As I turned into my room, though, she pulled me back.

"Zoe - ?"

I didn't have time to phrase my question as my mind went blank to the sensation of a pair of lips against mine.

And this, my friends, was where I was.

She pulled back from the chaste kiss. "Th- this is j-just a b-birthday g-gift, alright?" She then turned heel and ran back to her room, her face resembling a ripe red apple.

That confirmed it for me - she had feelings for me, too. I was not dense, as people suggested. I was perfectly capable of being a smart and strategic person, but Athena's curse on me, which had evaporated the moment I began turning into a god in Tartarus, had prevented that side of me from emerging.

I planned on telling her the next day. How she knew my birthday, though - wait. Magnus. That's why he had been acting like that - he shipped us. He knew my birthday, probably since Annabeth told him, and he told her when it was and that it would be the best time to... you know. I decided not to postpone things. I marched to her room and knocked. She opened the door, unable to meet my eyes.

"Yes?" She asked half-heartedly.

I held her chin in my hand, and lifted it up. Then, I kissed her softly.

She stiffened for a moment before letting her dam break, flooding the kiss with her emotions, and I reciprocated with renewed vigor. We slowly went inside her room and locked the door, still making out. Finally, we stopped, and I looked at her, letting all my emotions out into the open. She did much the same.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Zoe?" I asked her.

"Yes!" she squealed, and kissed me again. We separated soon enough, and just lay in her bed, cuddling (nothing naughty, ya sickos) with each other as we drifted off to sleep.

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