The Day I Died

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Percy POV 

My day was supposed to end in elation tonight.

I certainly didn't expect to break down crying.

It started this afternoon, when I began my date with Annabeth.

I made sure we had plenty of fun, while throwing bits and pieces of romantic moments here and there. I planned it that way.

Now, I'm sure you would be thinking this part was typed wrong. I assure you, it wasn't. I don't know; I began to actually able to plan good. I sometimes even spotted mistakes in my dear girlfriend's plans, but I ignored them. I began to feel less ADHD-like and less dyslexic lately. Since I went to the Roman camp. I began to also plan out things, and not be a general slob and idiotic and stuff like that. But weirdly, it didn't affect my battle instincts. If anything, I began to react faster, and my instincts were always spot on. In battle. The reason I stressed that part was because I was still as dense an idiot as ever.

Enough about my instincts being useless out of battle.

Other changes I had noticed was that I was much more alert and on guard than before. My senses began becoming much more sharp. My eyesight had always been a little sharp, but now my hearing and smell senses were also peaked out. I could literally hear Annabeth walking towards me from nearly fifty meters away, while she was trying to be stealthy. And let me tell you, she was usually good at it. Then there was the fact that I was actually learning to shoot properly, and no I could wield just about any weapon with confidence. Not to mention, I was becoming really strong. An example I could give you would be when I was dueling Thalia when she came over. I swung really hard at her spear out of fright that she would impale me on it, and the poor thing ended up being splintered. That night, Annabeth had to help me to my cabin since I was nearly paralyzed by electric shocks. I know, amazing cousins. But I digress.

My water control powers improved, and I found that unlike the time when I had helped Clarisse 'retrieve' her father's chariot after I found her having trouble with a flock of feather-shooting ninja crows (long story, don't ask), and I asked her to drive it over the ocean so we could get back to the designated location in time, I had somehow solidified the top of the waves for a few moments so she could drive, I could actually turn it to complete ice. And I could sense water vapors in the air, only I could never get to control it. Ice neither. I could turn water into these two states, but that was about it.

I talked this over with dad, and he decided that since he had claimed me at both camps, he might have triggered the Roman counterparts of my powers to unlock. But since he himself couldn't do a few things that I could, he decided that since I had both Roman and Greek forms, the only demigod to do so, I might be slowly force-evolving into a god, since they had both forms, just to keep my full power under control. He also said that there might've been the fact that I was also getting connected with my element(water) itself instead of the sea, which caused me to turn into a self-made god. Like one other person who had done it before - Asclepius, the God of Healing and Medicine.

Now, time to get back to my sob story. You'll love it. Believe me.

I finally took Annabeth to a beach. After an amazing seaside picnic, I kneeled down on one knee, fumbling for my ring box, which I had made by Hephaestus for her, along with the perk of it transforming into any weapon, depending on what you want to fight with. They were both made of a combination of all the three deadliest materials - Imperial Gold, Celestial Bronze, and Ethereal Silver. ( The kind The Hunters use.) (A/N - I made that up, I presume it's normal silver (I just used presume by instinct, what is happening to this innocent fifteen-year-old) that is used by them.) I had a similar one made for my own use, but I had done most of the work for it by myself, only the magic that transfigured it and the one that always returned it to my finger no matter what were the ones that were done by Hephaestus. My weapons, though, were made of the iced form of the five rivers of the underworld. I could keep it a mix, or I could make it such that only one of their characteristics comes out. It was the first time something like it had been enchanted, so Hephaestus made me check for any problems for nearly two weeks before he gave the all clear.

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