💗One Shot #2: Jace and Coco's Escape///Part 1💗

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Jace got a phone call from his mother that he and Coco had to get home immediately. They took a deep breath in and then out. Jace opened the door and he and Coco were pulled inside the home. "WHERE THE F^CK HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?!" Their mother screamed at them. "M-mommy, w-we-" Coco said, only to earn a slap on the cheek. "THAT'S MOTHER TO YOU!" The woman exclaimed. She then drank out of an alcohol bottle. "Go to your room..NOW! BEFORE I KILL YOU TWO!" She screamed. Coco and Jace ran off to their bedroom. "J-Jacey.." Coco said with tears in her eyes. "Come here.." Jace calmly said. Coco then walked towards him. Jace picked up Coco and stroked her hair while hugging her. "We'll get out of this place..we'll get mom in jail.." Jace whispered. "JACE! COME HERE NOW!" Their mother screamed. "Just rest on your bed..I'll be back.." Jace said to Coco. She nodded and sat there on her bed. "Be careful.." 🥺 she said. Jace walked into the kitchen where his mom was. "Y-yes, mother.." Jace asked. "Where are the cases of alcohol you were supposed to get me..?" his mom said, furiously. "M-mother, I-..I think you get too drunk every day..you can't be drinking anymore!" Jace exclaimed. "SHUT UP, STUPID BOY!" His mother screamed. In the next moment, Coco heard glass break in the kitchen. "JACE!" Coco screamed. She then ran into the kitchen and saw Jace on the ground with blood dripping from his head. "WHY WOULD WU DO THIS?! WHY IS WU SO EVIL?!" Coco exclaimed, hugging her passed out brother. "BE QUIET, LITTLE BRAT!" Her mother screamed, punching Coco. Coco then dragged Jace to their room and secretly got a phone. "R-remember what Hackie Girl told wu.." Coco said to herself. Coco then typed in a phone number. The person then picked up. "Hello? PZ687 if this is you again, please stop calling me. I'm not gonna date you." -_- said a feminine voice. "H-Hackie Girl.." Coco spoke. "C-Coco..?" Hacker Girl questioned. "M-my mommy hurt Jacey..he not moving..he breathing though.." Coco said. Hacker Girl eye widened. "W-what's your address.." Hacker Girl said. Coco then said the address she and Jace were at. "Coco, listen to me. You're gonna call people with the number "911", you're gonna tell them your address and what is happening, ok..?" Hacker Girl told Coco. "O-okie.." Coco said. "I'm gonna come to your house right now.." Hacker Girl said. She then hung up. "C-call..911.." Coco said, typing in the numbers.

               "911 what's your emergency?"

                         To Be Continued...

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