🌼New OCs #6: Hacker Army Members🌼

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Name: DerickHacker Army Code Name: Hacker 23Age: 31Sex: male Sexuality: ?

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Name: Derick
Hacker Army Code Name: Hacker 23
Age: 31
Sex: male
Sexuality: ?

•is a Hacker Army pervert for Haidyn T_T
•is very psycho-
•respects the Hacker Army leader
•is friends with Hacker 18 and Hacker 20
•Haidyn is very scared of him
•HATES The Adventures (other than Haidyn)
•his least favorite spy ninja is Regina (hey-..she's my favorite-)
•is highly aware that Dilara is the pz leader's sister
•often kidnaps Haidyn
•hates how CJ gives the hackers makeovers-
•finds the baby targets annoying

Name: LunarHacker Army Code Name: Hacker 91Age: 12Sex: male Sexuality: ?

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Name: Lunar
Hacker Army Code Name: Hacker 91
Age: 12
Sex: male
Sexuality: ?

•is a psychopath-
•is Leo's ex-best friend
•never wanted to be Leo's friend
•in 4th grade, he knocked a big cabinet thing onto Leo, while chairs were inside of it (Leo had to go to the hospital)
•Leo is traumatized by him
•is glad that Leo is scared of him
•is VERY abusive towards Leo
•The Parker Siblings, Echo, Haidyn, Willow, Everette, and Emilie HATE HIS GUTS
•Leo has a breakdown whenever he's with him
•carries around a metal pipe

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