♥️Short #1: Mr. Anonymous Giving Haidyn An Item♥️

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Mr. Anonymous had just saved Haidyn from the Hacker perverts. "T-thank you for saving me, Mr. A.." Haidyn said. "It was my pleasure.." Mr. Anonymous answered. He then looked at her. "Haidyn Adventure..I have something to give you." Mr. Anonymous said. He pulled out a necklace with a small key attached to it.

 He pulled out a necklace with a small key attached to it

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(The necklace)

"W-what is that?" Haidyn asked. "This necklace is one of the keys to defeating all of the evil organizations." Mr. Anonymous said. "I would like you to keep it safe.." Mr. Anonymous continued. "Why would you want me to keep it safe..?" Haidyn questioned. "..because I trust you.." Mr. Anonymous said. "Y-..you trust me?" Haidyn said. "Yes..if it's alright with you, I want you to guard this with your life.." Mr. Anonymous said. Haidyn smiled. "I will.." Haidyn replied. She took the necklace from him and put it on. "This will also stun hackers if they try to take it." Mr. Anonymous told her. "So they're like CJ's earrings?" Haidyn questioned. "Somewhat, yes." Mr. Anonymous said. "Now, let's take you home." He said. Mr. A picked up Hadith and took her home.

                              Short Ending

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