Mission Accomplished

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Misson Accomplished

Nikki's POV

Most people get real emotional when they know their time has come. Me? Well, I just stare blankly into nowhere. I don't think of anything or anyone. I just watch as my life is ripped from me as if I am watching from a far distance. Everything is in slow motion as one single tear drips down my face knowing this is the end. It's the end of the line. I guess I sort of just accepted that fact. It kind of scared me, knowing that I was ready to die. I didn't cry out in agony or go into a mental breakdown. I just simply stared into nothingness as if I were looking into what was to come.

Pure darkness.

Pure darkness and me.

Bucky's POV

"Whatever happened to you all those years ago, I don't think Steve realizes what you went through. Sure he had difficulty inhaling, muffled hearing, empty gaze, uncomfortable lightness in his legs when he can't be sure he's walking at all. The commandos not quite knowing how to approach him but probably not as awful as lying in the snow, bleeding and staring at the sky, feeling snowflakes falling and melting on your face, vaguely remembering some mechanical noises. A train, perhaps? You're trying to move but failing because your body doesn't respond. Wondering if anyone would come looking for you. Steve is off saving other people- valued people even. But he doesn't rescue you. You slip into an unconsciousness that you never awaken from. Even today you aren't quite woken up from that sleep. You try to remember, but there's a blockade. It's as if those parts of your memories include a certain someone that you are kept from remembering. And have you ever looked down a random alleyway, looking for something? And you never know what you're looking for? You fought Steve without a hint of recognition. You are letting go of your best friend without even knowing it. Because you aren't Bucky Barnes. You're the Winter Soldier. You aren't a man. You're a weapon. You're a soldier. And soldiers follow orders. Seeing as Captain Rogers is still alive, I know you haven't completed your mission," said the man as blood dribbled down his already scarred face. It was too much to take in. I punched him again, but he wouldn't fight back. He just stood there, a smug grin on his face as if his plan for taking over the world was finally put into action.

"Shut. Up!" I screamed through a clenched jaw. Then his gaze drifted somewhere behind me. I looked at the reflection in a window behind him in case it was a trick to get me to look away.

Then I saw her.

I watched her descend in horror. Things kept flashing into my mind. Something familiar. Something of my past. The fall.


I slipped. I fell. Down and down. Steve was no longer visible. He was yelling. For me. He yelled, "Bucky! I'm with you 'til the end of the line." I whispered it back, even though he couldn't hear me.


My head screamed back into reality as I realized now Nikki was in that position. She was the one falling. And I was the one standing there and watching.

Move, James, move!

The next thing I knew, somebody threw their arm around me and turned me around as to not see the death of my daughter. Steve was there. He was breathing hard and squeezing his eyes shut, a tear slowly descending down his face.

My world fell as I heard the sickening crack of Nikki's body smashing into the platform.

Dakota's POV

I'm With You 'Til The End Of The Line: A Bucky Barnes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now