Chapter 16

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(Third Person POV)


It was lunch time and Deku had left his friends to eat lunch together while he parted ways somewhere else. After a busy day of training to find out a possible ultimate move, the teen was definitely tired and wanted some alone time.

He decided it was best to go up to the roof, even though if he got caught, he was most likely to get in trouble.

He grabbed his lunch and made his way up the stairs. When he opened the door, he was welcomed with the gust of wind and a shiny light from the sun. He smiled to himself before making his way further into the roof before sitting down in the corner of the roof.

He opened his lunch bag and began to eat away, appreciating the sounds of the birds happily chirping and the leaves rustling in the wind. He sighed contently and continued eating. He always enjoyed being alone. No one there to talk to him, no one there to interrupt his thoughts, no one.

Sure, you would think that the smiley, enthusiastic, green haired boy he was would like to be near loud people, or would enjoy all the special occasions where a lot of people were there. But in fact, he despised them. Tried to despise them in the nicest way possible, but inside he was d y i n g.

He was half way through his food when he heard footsteps. Seeming to make their way to the roof as well. Oh no. Did I get caught? Oh darn what do I do? I can't just jump off the roof, I'll at least break one bone during that. So what else could I do? I can't hide, I can't jump off, WHAT DO I DO! He started to get anxious, knowing that any minute now someone was going to come up and possibly get him in trouble.

By the time he had finally contemplated on jumping off, he heard the knob turn and he quickly sat back in his corner and prayed the person was too blind to catch him. Going into hazardous property can result into house arrest. And he couldn't afford to go through that...again.

He closed his eyes shut and started to pray to whatever god was on duty that day. A certain teen came out of the door and made his way closer to the green. So much for being blind. Deku thought.

"Deku?" The teen asked.

Wait I-I know that voice. Raspy voice, annoyed tone, low and husky, this was definitely Kacchan. But how was he supposed to talk to him after what the...forest? He felt his blush dust his face as he didn't want to interact with him. Which this was part of the reason he wanted to be alone in the first place.

"Oi. You gonna speak to me or are we playing ignore the person speaking to you?" The blonde teen asked, annoyed as hell. But part of him was happy he found Midoriya.

"O-oh hi K-Kacchan." Deku whispered out.

Bakugou squatted down so that he was face to face with Deku. Deku, eyes still shut, slowly opened them. Wrong timing. Big mistake. He was met with a pair of red fiery eyes. He could stare at them all day. If it wasn't for that this is Bakugou we were talking about and the situation that happened yesterday.

"Why are you here nerd?" Bakugou squinted his eye and scooched his face so that it was a teensy bit closer to the greenette. No no. Too close. Argh!

"I-I wanted t-to be alone f-for a b-bit. S-so I came up h-here instea-instead." The younger stuttered, fiddling with his fingers as he looked down at the floor, too scared to be faced with the tempered blonde.

"Oh. Then I guess I'll make my way back down." Bakugou simply said. Damn it. I shouldn't of came here in the first place. Shit. The blonde was upset that he couldn't hang out with the younger, but didn't want to interrupt his alone time.

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