Chapter 15: A Red Pact

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Groaning inwardly, Jarek turned to face their former partners standing twenty meters away by their speeders. In their reprieve, a part of Jarek had hoped they had been immolated by the collapse. Such naivety...

"I want that treasure, Mandalorian!" Graayl shouted flourishing his weapon alongside his remaining mercenaries. Reek and Vren appeared ready to kill on command. While just as filthy as Graayl, Larin looked murderous. Linev seemed as if he was just as likely to pass out as blast them.

Jarek and the others exchanged nervous glances, unsure what to do next. The crew of the Outcast were caught in the open with no weapons in hand and outnumbered once more. The closest thing to cover was their speeder which would disintegrate under a prolonged blaster barrage.

"Any ideas?" Gare asked hands flexing in anticipation of a fight.

"I'm thinking," Jarek growled. His gaze flicked from one merc to next before taking in the surrounding area. Looking back, he saw Jacek hugging the Siren's Song close to his chest. It was obvious the man had no intention of giving up the treasure he had spent years searching for. He contemplated offering up the contents of the satchel, but he doubted that would be enough to sate the mercenary leader's lust for profit.

"Think faster!" Slick hissed. Before Jarek could stop him the Pantoran stepped forward with his hands raised. Era started to reach for him but stopped at a gesture from Jarek. He knew Slick well enough to realize when the Pantoran was playing for time.

The Mandalorian's mind went into overdrive to think of a way out of the situation. A firefight, while an option would most certainly end with them running for their lives if they weren't gunned down in the first few seconds. Fortunately, he still had an ace up his sleeve.

As subtly as he could Jarek touched his commlink. "Maddy this is Jarek." A firefight was unwise but a strafing run from their ship would certainly tip the odds in their favor. Perhaps even the mere presence of the Outcast would end the hostilities before they even began. "Maddy come in."

"What?" she replied, her tone clipped and sounding aggravated. Though he wasn't sure what could be irritating her, Jarek didn't have the time to consider it.

"We have a situation down here," said the Mandalorian trying to keep his voice low. As he spoke Slick was trying to talk down the mercenaries. Jarek couldn't tell what he said only that the Red Pact continued to stare daggers at the crew. Graayl looked as if any given word or gesture might set him off. "We need the Outcast to make a very low flyby to--"

"Sorry got my own problems!" The Alderanni snapped. Jarek heard the telltale thrum of engines throttling in the background. Beyond the overture of thrusters and turbines being pushed to the max his sharp hearing picked out the unmistakable barking sounds of-

"Is that blaster fire!?"

Onboard the Outcast:

"Where'd they come from?" Tersen called from the copilot's seat.

They had just been in the middle of going over some routine pre-hyperspace checks when the ships short-range radar started going nuts. Madlyn swallowed the hard knot in her throat as she gazed at the scanner. Normally ships of certain class or manufacture gave off a distinct energy signature. Since her time in the Outer Rim, she'd become quite proficient at distinguishing the various signals that came through a ship's sensor array. This craft was all but unknown to her. Even more alarming, the ship had managed to exit hyperspace without tripping her long-range sensors. Then with barely a stutter of her engines the craft had turned about and was making best speed for them.

The ship didn't even send so much as a 'hail' which was considered a courtesy among spacers. There was no evidence of comm traffic of any kind. Given the rampant pirate activity in the Rim, it was good practice to let other ship captains know you weren't a bad guy. It helped avoid the hassle of explaining to one's fair as to why they got shot out of the sky.

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