Chapter 21: Lengthening Shadows

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A storm of blaster bolts rained down on the speeder. Era screamed in alarm, instinctively throwing her body over Jacek. Slick likewise shielded the mirialin. The particle bolts stitched a line down the driver's side of the vehicle. Gare swore as sparks exploded next to the steering mechanism, causing him to flinch and jerk to the side. He hastily scrabbled for the wheel, but by then the vehicle already started to swerve. Jarek had already risen and was preparing to return fire when he was forced to grab for the seat rest to remain upright.

They'd left the palace ruins far behind, finding shelter beneath the canopy of the surrounding forest. There had been no sign of pursuit. Madlyn confirmed that she and the Outcast were waiting for them at the predesignated rendezvous point. Slick was stabilized and Era had managed to keep the old man from getting worse. Jarek had thought they were safe.

They'd just entered the new section of ruins that surrounded the improvised landing zone. He could see the outline of the Outcast waiting for them, engines idling. That was when his arrogance caught up with them.

The attack came from above, out of the brightness of the sun, taking them all by surprise. A hail of cluster bombs exploded all around showering them with dirt and debris. Gare expertly managed to avoid the blasts, but only just. Next came the blaster-fire. The first volley hit directly fore and aft rending the hull plating. The second volley had hit the driver's side. No one had been injured but it had distracted Gare for several crucial moments.

The speeder bucked wildly. Jarek felt his feet leave the seat. Panic gripped him as he came down half on, half-off the vehicle. Instinctively he went limp as the ground rushed up to meet him. Somewhere he heard another scream. It might've been Era's. It could've been his. He had the briefest instance of watching the speeder continue onward. It sloughed uncontrollably towards a ruined building, then his world became a tumbling turning mess. Dirt flew as his limbs flailed and rubble gouged at any soft bits not protected by beskar.

He came to a stop face down five meters from where he had fallen. Looking up he saw that the speeder lay half-buried beneath a collapsed ruin not even ten meters from the nose of the freighter. Relief coursed through him when he saw his crew stirring. They were just beginning to pry themselves out of the wreckage when the Outcast's loading ramp lowered.

Jarek was just starting to rise when the roar of jet engines split the air. Senses flared to life and he rolled to the right. The ground kicked up as it was riddled by blaster bolts. He continued rolling until he was on his feet. Just in time, he saw Gaegan plummeting towards him. Jarek reached for his blaster only to find he'd lost it in the fall. He reached over his shoulder and drew the beskad. Light glinted off the honed edge. Gaegan must've noticed and peeled off at the last second firing away with his blaster, forcing Jarek to tuck and roll behind cover.

Looking back, he noticed the crew were still dislodging themselves from the wreckage. He caught Madlyn's eye. He saw the conflict: help him or help the crew. "Go!" he ordered not giving her an option, "Get them out of here!" He didn't see if she complied, the sounds of the jetpack had returned.

Grabbing a sizable rock, the young man stood turned and threw it in a single fluid motion. The chunk of granite flew true striking Gaegan directly on the collar. Jarek was already bounding forward as the Watchman hit the ground. His opponent was up on one knee when the Captain drew close. He swung the beskad, aiming for his neck. It was not a smooth ergonomic cut like his father had taught him. It was an ugly hack filled with anger and a desire to inflict pain.

Just as the weapon came down Gaegan reached out and caught it by the guard. The fall must not have disoriented the Mandalorian as much as Jarek thought. Snarling he twisted, wrenching Jarek's arm around. Muscles and tendons screamed from his hand to shoulder. Turning he brought his boot up into the side of the man's head. Gaegan staggered back forcing him to release the weapon. Jarek would've pressed the attack but his arm wasn't working right. The counterattack must've torn some ligaments. His grip on the sword was as feeble as a child's.

Edge of the Empire: Book 05: Enter the UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now